queens business
Renovations at Dale Gardens Improve
Way of Life for Kew Gardens Residents
Renovations and landscaping at
Dale Gardens over the past three years
are fi nally nearing completion at the
Kew Gardens based apartment complex.
Benedict Realty Group invested
about $4 million into the project,
which includes a complete revamp
of the grounds transforming it into a
beautifully landscaped complex, complete
with a waterfall that runs under
a bridge for residents to enjoy, along
with much-needed apartment building
In 2016, when BRG fi rst purchased
the property from its former owners,
BRG President Daniel Benedict felt
it was time for a major update to the
“We decided we wanted to upgrade
the complex and create an environment
where residents could enjoy both
their apartments and the grounds,”
said Benedict.
BRG is a residential and commercial
real estate group that is based in Great
Neck and has several properties in the
Queens area. Dale Gardens had been
owned by Dale Realty Co. for about 50
years until 2016, when BRG bought it
from them for $25.5 million, according
to a report by Real Estate Weekly.
At the time BRG purchased the
property, Benedict said “ the buildings
and the exterior were in dire need
of upgrades” . BRG hired a landscape
designer named Michael Rosano to
give the grounds a complete makeover,
resulting in an idyllic garden
including sitting areas, trees, and fl owers.
In addition to renovating the apartments,
BRG also installed new roofi ng
as well as apartment and garage doors.
Th ey also installed wrought iron trash
receptacles to conceal the trash and
created a garden in some of the former
areas where trash had been previously
stored for disposal.
Other improvements included
replacing broken steps and walkways
with new concrete and paving stone
walkways and installing accent lights
for better visibility in the evening.
Th e grounds itself have been completely
redone, and residents can enjoy
the terrace and sit in the pergola or
stand along the bridge while enjoying
the waterfall set amidst beautiful fl owers
and shrubbery.
As of now contractors are in the
fi nal stages of the renovations as they
work to repair the last section of roofing.
“Th e change has been a long time
coming,” said Benedict. “People will
absolutely love it, and I think the place
speaks for itself.” After