Fight pregnancy symptoms with
these feel-good pregnancy nutrients
If you’re like most expecting moms,
you’ve already heard that a healthy, whole
foods diet is best for you and baby, one
that features plenty of fresh fruits and
veggies, whole grains and lean proteins.
However, many expecting moms are
also battling nausea and indigestion, especially
during the earliest stages. Th at can
make the idea of eating nutrient-dense,
high-fi ber foods less appealing. All the
while, it doesn’t make you worry any less
about getting all the nourishment the two
of you need.
“With morning sickness, gassiness and
managing the pain of swollen joints, feeling
good during pregnancy can be a challenge
for any woman,” says Elizabeth
Somer, registered dietitian and Vitamin
Packs Medical Advisor. “Th e good news
is, there are lots of things you can do to
maintain a healthy diet and feel as good as
possible during your pregnancy.”
Somer shares nutrition tips and the top
nutrients to help you feel your best and
support your health during pregnancy.
Manage through morning
Not long aft er you celebrate your pregnancy,
morning sickness may settle in
while your energy levels really start to
lag. You can thank the surge of new hormones
going through your body. At the
same time, you may be concerned about
getting enough folic acid (vitamin B9), as
this is an essential nutrient that supports
the baby’s brain and spinal cord development.
While nausea can dampen anyone’s
desire to eat, it’s important to make sure
you’re still nourishing your body. Try
eating smaller meals throughout the day,
don’t lie down aft er eating, and always
take your prenatal vitamins with food.
Choosing the right vitamins can help, too.
Prenatal vitamins from Vitamin Packs
are made with organic ginger and a more
absorbable form of vitamin B6, helping to
ease your upset stomach and nausea.
Get the nourishment
you and baby need
Somer recommends every expecting
mother take a multivitamin during pregnancy,
starting with a quick online assessment
on VitaminPacks.com/prepostnatal/.
Your medications, diet and health
concerns will be factored into your personalized
selection of supplements, so
you can be assured that taking them will
be safe and eff ective during this critical
time. You also can pull from their online
library to get more information about
any of their supplements. And, if you
have any further questions or concerns
about getting your nutritional needs met,
a consultation with a nutritionist is just
a phone call away. You deserve the best
foundation of nutritional support that’s
personalized for you and baby.
Mind your portions
Aft er you get past that challenging fi rst
trimester, you’ll most likely be more in
the mood to eat. Remember, weight gain
is perfectly normal and healthy. In fact,
you will need to consume extra calories
to support the changes and development
taking place inside your body. By the time
you’re ready to give birth, your blood volume
can go up as much as 60 percent,
according to the American Pregnancy
Association. Even so, steer clear of the
“eating for two” mindset. Too much
weight can worsen your health, and keep
you from feeling your best, especially if
it leads to gestational diabetes and other
serious health conditions. Talk to your
doctor and take the advice on how many
calories you should consume in a day.
Eat your fi sh
During pregnancy, your baby’s brain is
undergoing rapid development. To support
this, opt for foods that are good
sources of omega-3 fatty acids, especially
during the second trimester. Common
foods that contain these good fats are fatty
fi sh, such as mackerel, salmon and herring.
If the idea of eating fi sh makes you
queasy, there are vegetarian sources available
in the form of algae DHA omega-3
Choose plenty of fruits
and veggies
Th ere’s a bounty of nutrients and
micronutrients found in produce that can
help mother and baby in numerous ways.
Antioxidants found in dark colored produce,
such as blueberries, broccoli and
carrots, support the baby’s brain health.
Plus, eating fruits and veggies is one way
to stay hydrated and relieve constipation
(which is all too common during pregnancy).
Get ready for motherhood by taking
on a healthy mindset and a nourishing
diet. You and your baby will both reap
the benefi ts!
Courtesy BPT