‘9 to 5’ at RTC
Dolly Parton’s tribute to working
women has transformed from the original
“women’s lib” to a very current victory
lap in “9 to 5 Th e Musical.” Th e
leaders include the performers and creative
teams of the Rockaway Th eatre
Directors Susan Warren Corning and
Catherine Leib share years of polished
performances on both sides of the footlights.
Producer Susan Jasper, one of the
troupe’s perennial anchors, brings this
always energetic and talented troupe to
the stage.
Th e story itself, underlined by the song
“9 to 5,” follows three offi ce secretaries
victimized by an opportunistic boss.
Th ey stumble into a hilarious kidnapping
which ultimately changes their offi ce’s
dynamics forever!
Recently divorced and never employed
Judy Bernly is played on alternate nights
by Jessie Carina Lanza and Catherine
Leib. On opening night, Bernly’s solo
“Get Out and Stay Out!” is a powerful
plea for independence. Luisa Boyaggi
as Violet, breaks loose in her version
of “One of the Boys.” Courtney Sanello
sings and swaggers as Doralee, the savvy
southerner who refuses to bow to her
boss (Roger Gonzalez) and his unwanted
Offi ce spy and spoiler “Roz” (Marisol
Velasquez) is a great scene stealer in her
solos. Supporting players not limited to
Brian Sadowski, Myles Rich, Ashley Ann
Jones, Mia Melchiori, David Risley, Jodee
Timpone, Eileen Farrell, Adam Davis,
Frank Freeman and Cliff Hesse maintain
the expected pace throughout the
Outstanding sets (scenic design Frank
Caiati) highlighted by crisp electronic
visuals clearly complement the energetic
choreography (Nicola DePierro-
Nellen) and the orchestra’s sharp support
(musical director, Paolo C. Perez).
Kudos to stage managers Dante Rei and
Nora Meyers and the dozens of troupe
members too numerous to acknowledge
V.I.P. Follow-up:
When Rockaway Th eatre Company
presented “Lovers and Other Strangers”
this past spring, they weren’t expecting
the show’s original co-writer, TV/movie
personality Renee Taylor and her family
to attend. Well, the show’s director
Peggy (Page) Press reports that their surprise
visit at the show was also an opportunity
to donate boxes of costumes to the
troupe. Th e gift s are in memory of her
beloved late husband, Joe Bologna. His
successful show business career is fondly
remembered by his many fans. Ms.
Taylor promises to return to the area,
now that she is devoting more time to
the east coast.
For information on current and future
RTC productions, call their hotline at
718-374-6400, visit website at www.rockawaytheatrecompany.
org or “like” them
on Facebook. As always, save me a seat
on the aisle.
Enjoy an awesome weekend at the Astoria Flea & Food Market
Eat, drink, shop and chill under the
lights or a warm summer sun during
the Astoria Flea & Food market on the
Kaufman Astoria Studios lot this Saturday
and Sunday, July 21-22.
Th e market includes the Beer and Wine
Garden, serving some of the best locally
craft ed brews around, and will feature an
appearance this weekend by Lara Spencer
and the crew of HGTV’s “Flea Market
Flip,” which will be fi lming an episode
on location.
Th ere’s always lots of great eats to
choose from at the Astoria Flea & Food
market, and this weekend is no diff erent.
Th e Famous Meatballers are bringing
their homemade meatballs directly
to you. Joe, a local fi refi ghter at Engine
Company 262 in Astoria, was inspired by
his mother-in-law’s original recipe and
his love for cooking to create his “famous
Everyone knows that fi remen are great
chefs and love to cook for the masses.
Stop by his booth to eat a few and even
take some home!
If you’d like to grab a treat, such as
a refreshing fruit smoothie, from an
incredibly unique coff ee cart made from
a remodeled horse trailer, you’re in the
right spot! Emma’s Juice Box off ers made
to order smoothies, juices, lemonades,
coff ees (iced and hot) and pastries.
Cool off with Scoops In Cahoots and
their premium ice creams made right
here in NY using fresh, non-GMO Milk &
Cream from local family farms. Th eir ice
cream is one-of-a-kind, uniquely named
and full of fl avors, like Champagne
Problems, Whiskey’s Cookie Dough
Crush and Cocoa’s Got Class.
Work off all of those delicious calories
by shopping at the Flea’s vendors. Moss
Boss makes it easy for you to bring the
outdoors in with maintenance free artwork
that looks alive. All moss has been
petrifi ed and or dyed to maintain its
color. Just hang and enjoy!
If you’re in the market for natural skincare,
Olive + Grayce has an amazing
array of holistic and herbal remedies for
your skin and body. Amanda’s handmade
herbal blends, body scrubs, skincare and
body care items were created to help you
feel good about yourself.
For the fashionistas, choose from Yanzi
Lama’s chic collection of sundresses and
tank tops. Available in solids and pretty
prints, these light and airy clothing selection
is just what you’re looking for, and at
great prices.
If you’re looking to make a statement
check out N&S Apparel. From funny to
political but also truthful and understanding
of the time we live in, Ricardo believes
that communicating through apparel is a
great way to share a common thought.
His tees refl ect the times in a funny witty
way and look good.
Astoria Flea and Food will have a night
market on Saturday night, July 21, from
5 to 11 p.m. Th e Sunday aft ernoon market
will be held from noon to 6 p.m.
at Kaufman Astoria Studios, located at
34-12 36th St. Visit licfl ea.com for more