When school is out, kids may be
missing out on essential nutrients
More than half of kids 9 and up fall
short on essential nutrients they need to
grow strong - calcium, vitamin D and
potassium. In fact, the Dietary Guidelines
for Americans identifi ed them as nutrients
of public health concern because
many Americans, including kids, are not
consuming enough of these nutrients.
When school lets out for summer, that
risk may be even greater for over 22
million kids who are served by free or
reduced-price meal programs during the
school year.
For most kids, summertime means
months fi lled with playing in the sun,
swimming at the lake or baseball in the
park - but for many, the start of summer
marks the end of regular access to nutrient
rich foods including basic staples like
milk that help their bodies and minds
grow strong.
Although some programs like the
USDA’s Summer Food Service Program
(SFSP) help to deliver meals when
school is out, the National School Lunch
Program (NSLP) and the School Breakfast
Program (SBP) do not reach children
during the summer months.
“Milk is the top food source for calcium,
vitamin D and potassium - three
of the four nutrients kids are most likely
missing,” said Dr. Tanya Altmann,
best-selling author and nationally recognized
pediatrician. “With 9 essential
nutrients, including 8 grams of high-quality
protein per serving, milk is an easy and
aff ordable way to provide key nutrients to
children who might otherwise go without
them during the summer months.”
There is a nationwide need
for nutrient-rich milk
Milk is one of the most requested, but
least donated items at food banks. Th at’s
because while Americans are generous
with canned and dry goods, fresh milk
is a lot harder to donate because it’s perishable.
On average, food banks are only
able to provide the equivalent of less than
one gallon per person per year, which is
far less than enough to meet the recommended
three servings of milk or milk
products per day for kids 9 and older.
Th at’s why, Feeding America(r) -
the nation’s largest domestic hunger
relief organization - has partnered with
America’s dairy farmers and milk companies
to help provide more fresh, nutritious
milk to children in need through
Th e Great American Milk Drive.
Since it began, the program has delivered
more than 1.5 million gallons - that’s
more than 24 million servings - of fresh,
nutritious milk to Feeding America’s
nationwide network of 200 food banks.
More than 46 million Americans - including
12 million children - rely on Feeding
America each year and food banks cannot
always meet the demand - especially
in the summer months, when they are
even busier.
“When people think about kids and
summer, they think of carefree days spent
having fun, but for those whose families
struggle with hunger, even basic staples
like milk may be missing,” said Andy
Wilson, Chief Development Offi cer at
Feeding America. “Our food banks do
everything we can to provide nutritious
foods to families in need. Th anks to Th e
Great American Milk Drive, many of our
food banks are now able to provide more
highly-desired milk during the summer
For as little as $5, you can help deliver
a gallon of nutrient-rich milk to children
in need in your local community. Visit
milklife.com/give to learn more about the
need for milk in food banks and how you
can help feed a childhood with milk this
Courtesy Family Features