oped letters & comments
Once again, Mayor Bill
de Blasio and the NYC
Department of Homeless
Services (DHS) have
come into Queens with
a fl awed plan for housing
homeless individuals in
our community without
any gaining input from
the people who live there.
Th is time DHS has targeted the former Christ
Evangelical Lutheran Church located at 85-15 101st
Ave. in Ozone Park. Work is already underway to
transform this space to house 113 men with mental
disabilities by winter 2018. I do not support this proposal
by the mayor.
While I understand that there is currently a
homeless crisis facing our city, I do not believe
that because of the mayor’s inability to credibly
address the homeless issue, middle-class communities
should be negatively aff ected by having large
population shelters placed without input. Where
are the impact statements? Where are the reports
showing the eff ect on our schools or public safety?
My colleagues in government and I — along with
residents of Ozone Park — will not accept a shelter
housing more than 100 mentally ill men to be
built in this community, given the location’s proximity
to fi ve neighborhood schools and high population
of children under the age of 18 who live near
the proposed shelter.
Another reason why I stand opposed to this shelter
location is that there is little to no information
on how the city plans to help these individuals. Th e
administration gives limited information as to what
services or programs will be made available to the
men to transition them out of the homeless shelter
system. If the population at the shelter is to be mentally
ill men, there must be constant on-site help
for them, as well as security at all times to help protect
not only the individuals there, but the Ozone
Park neighborhood as well. Th e burden on the 102nd
Police Precinct could have an impact on the surrounding
I have stated my opposition to this site for a shelter
both publicly and privately to DHS. As a result
of a meeting that DHS had with the local elected
offi cials, the 102nd Pct. and Community Board 9,
the agency has given us 30 days to fi nd a new alternative
location for this proposed shelter to house
the 113 men. Th ose 30 days end on Aug. 5, so I am
hopeful that by working together as a community,
we can fi nd a suitable replacement site for these
Over the years, the mayor’s offi ce has been made
aware of my suggestions for ways to assist the
homeless without creating frustration and animosity
in our communities. Where is the aff ordable
housing that was proposed by the mayor and
to be built? Th e city has vacant property to utilize
for permanent or temporary housing to help the
homeless. Th e city can also consider using smaller
sites for population sizes that better acclimate into a
community. Th ere are other solutions to address the
homeless crisis and assist individuals in need, but
until the mayor decides to work with us who want
to help, well before the call to my offi ce dictating a
site in the community, the opposition to inappropriate
sites will continue.
As I was reading 12 boys and
their soccer coach were all rescued
from a fl ooded cave in
Th ailand. Truly this was, “MISSION
ACCOMPLISHED.” Th ese boys and
their coach were trapped in this cave
due to fl ooded waters in this cave.
Th is was a most diffi cult mission
and one that brought many groups
from around the world including
the U.S. to help. Th is mission could
have cost many lives including the
boys. Although one life was lost
in the rescue. As stated about 100
workers, including the brave navy
Seals from Th ailand were involved
in the rescue. Let me also mention
this was a miracle to have found all
alive in that cave during and aft er
the search. Praise must be given
to all that came to help and risked
their lives. I guess God has a reason
for all this and that life is his to take
or to give.
Frederick R. Bedell Jr.,
Glen Oaks Village
President Trump’s selection to
the Supreme Court, Judge Brett
Kavanaugh, was an excellent choice.
Judge Kavanaugh has served in our
nation’s judicial system for nearly 30
years in various capacities, and has
the experience and know-how of our
legal system.
Also, it is very wonderful that he
is so devoted to his family, coaching
his two girls CYO basketball teams
and also working with his local parish
priest helping to feed the hungry
in his community.
Hopefully, his confi rmation proceedings
will be completed as quickly
as possible, and that there won’t
any bureaucratic red tape that could
possibly slow down or stop this
very important process of approval
by the Senate committee. President
Trump defi nitely has made the right
Let’s hope that Democrats and
Republicans can work across the aisle
in a bipartisan fashion to conclude
these proceedings without any problems.
John Amato, Fresh Meadows
As a lifelong Queens resident, it amazes
me how the usual crowd of feckless
Dems are falling over each other with
their words and actions to “protect”
those who are in this country illegally.
Not a single word or action about
the young lady who lost her life at
a notoriously dangerous intersection
on Utopia Parkway. Not a peep
about rising property taxes, or failing
Queens schools or the multibillion
dollar farce that would build
a train line connecting LaGuardia
Airport to Citi Field.
Perhaps these pols need to be
reminded just who they are “working”
Gary Posch, Whitestone
Editor’s note: In our indirect democracy
(republic), each Member of
Congress works for the people of their
district and their interests. Th ey also
represent their constituents in the formation
of legislation, and are able to
campaign for or against certain policies
based on what they believe is best for the
people of their district. Th e voters choose
these Members of Congress at elections
conducted every two years. If voters are
dissatisfi ed with what their Members
of Congress are doing, they have the
opportunity to vote in someone else.
Email your letters to editorial@qns.
com (Subject: Letter to the Editor) or
leave a comment to any of our stories
at QNS.com. You can also send a
letter by regular mail to Letters to the
Editor, 38-15 Bell Blvd., Bayside, NY
11361. All letters are subject to editing.
Names will be withheld upon request,
but anonymous letters will not be
considered for publication. Th e views
expressed in all letters and comments
are not necessarily those of this publication
or its staff .
Republicans held a hearing on Capitol Hill accusing FBI agent
Peter Strzok of political bias at the FBI and Justice Department
because of his anti-Trump texts.
Republicans show more interest in an FBI agent’s texts than the
leader of the free world undermining the western alliance while ignoring
Russian interference in a presidential election! Th ere have been 19
indictments and fi ve convictions so far, yet Republicans continue to
look away and assist Trump with his distractions.
Choosing to defend the disgraceful actions of the president rather
than uphold the dignity of the United States! What a disgrace.
Look away, Republicans, look away!
Robert LaRosa, Whitestone