at home
Floor cleaning 101
Flooring trends change through the
years as homeowners acquire new tastes
and technology allows for a larger variety
of fl ooring designs. Deep ebony and drift -
wood fi nishes peaked in 2017, while 2018
trends are pushing toward wider planks,
gray tones and even durable porcelain
tiles designed to mirror wood grains.
As today’s fl ooring choices evolve, the
importance of maintaining a clean fl oor
remains constant, especially if you have
kids and pets. But, clean fl oors don’t need
to translate to hour-long scrubbing sessions
on your knees. Instead, it should
take minimal work to get the job done
and it shouldn’t matter what type of fl oor
you have. Here are some tricks and tips
on the best ways to get your fl oors looking
new and spotless in no time:
Laminate fl oors
Even though your laminate fl oors
might look like hardwood or tile, you still
need to care for them a certain way. It’s
important that you keep water from getting
under the planks, so it’s recommended
that you regularly dry mop or vacuum
the fl oors. A multi-surface spray mop like
the Rejuvenate Click n Clean will allow
you to quickly pick up dust and food particles
with its microfi ber dusting pad. For
a deeper clean, simply click the appropriate
cleaning solution for your fl oor
type into the mop and attach the reusable
microfi ber cleaning pad and swivel away
for a beautiful, professional clean. You
never want to polish laminate fl oors and,
if a plank looks damaged, it is best that
you just replace it with a new one.
Linoleum fl oors
Th ese type of fl oors are easily susceptible
to water damage, so you need to clean
them with caution. Vacuum them to prevent
scratches and wipe up any spills as
soon as they happen. You can spray a linoleum
fl oor in sections and then wipe with
a damp cloth as you go. If sticky messes
fi nd their way onto linoleum fl oors, use a
soft , scrubbing pad to clean it up.
Hardwood fl oors
Most hardwood fl oors have either a wax
or polyurethane fi nish. Waxed hardwood
fl oors can be damaged with even small
amounts of water, so keep damp mops
away from this type of fl oor and just dust
mop and vacuum it daily. Depending on
the amount of traffi c or abuse the fl oor
takes, consider a fl oor cleaner with a safe,
non-toxic neutral pH-balanced formula
as it will not leave behind fi lm, residue or
streaks, just a clean fresh scent.
Tile and grout fl ooring
If you have stubborn stains or dirt
embedded in grout lines, you can opt for a
deep grout cleaner. Simply spray it on the
fl oor, let it sit for a few minutes and then
scrub it with the Click n Clean grout brush.
Without the use of harsh, acidic chemicals,
dingy grout will become brighter, lighter
and stay clean long aft er you are done.
For more fl oor care tips, visit www.
Courtesy BPT
Take the sting out of summer with these pest prevention tips
If you’re like many people, the warm
months of summer are when you are
most active outdoors. You’re not alone.
Th e same is also true for fl eas, ticks and
mosquitoes. New fi ndings show these
pests are more than just an annoyance,
they can pose a health risk. According
to the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, illnesses caused by these pests
are on the rise, and in recent years, nine
new germs spread by ticks and mosquitoes
have been identifi ed or introduced
into the U.S.
Now more than ever, it’s important to
be proactive by putting a plan in place
to protect your home and outdoor space
from these pests, and any of the other 200
insect types that could inhabit your lawn
and enter your home. Start with these
fi ve tips:
* Narrow down your summer guest
list. Diff erent pests are drawn to diff erent
things. Mosquitoes can breed and thrive
in even the smallest amount of water,
and yellow jackets enjoy spending time
around trash. Many stinging insects are
also drawn to the bright bulbs of certain
fl owers. Remove these appealing targets
from your space to keep these unwanted
guests away from your family.
* Protect your home inside and out.
When creating your indoor and outdoor
pest control strategy, a few preventative
measures go a long way. Apply Ortho(R)
Home Defense Insect Killer for Indoor &
Perimeter early in the season to protect
your home from ants, roaches and spiders
and create a long-lasting barrier around
your home to keep bugs out. To protect
your yard and keep pests at a minimum,
apply Ortho(R) Home Defense Insect
Killer for Lawns Granules to your grass. A
10-pound bag treats up to 10,000 square
feet and provides three-month protection
against listed insects before they can
ruin your fun. As always, follow the label
directions for any products you apply.
* Keep your yard clean. Insects love
dark, moist areas, many of which can be
found in your yard if you don’t keep it
tidy. Mow the grass at least once a week so
insects have less room to hide and remove
debris or clutter as soon as it accumulates,
particularly in areas like your wood pile.
If you put off these tasks, unwanted visitors
may have already moved in.
* Check your screens. With the windows
shut all winter, it’s easy to forget
about the condition of your screens when
you open them once again. However,
even the smallest hole in one of your
screens can be all an insect needs to get
inside. Check each of your screens - no
matter how high the window is off the
ground - to be sure it still works, and
don’t delay if a replacement must be
* Be proactive about infestation. When
you’re outside, take a moment to look for
signs of insect infestation on your property.
For example, wasps tend to build their
nests in the crooks of your roof and carpenter
ants will set up shop in old wood
if left to their own devices. Clear these
infestations yourself or contact a pest
control expert to prevent the problem
from growing worse. Don’t assume they’ll
go away on their own, or you’ll be dealing
with these pests all season long.
Th e summer months can be some of
the best times of the year, and you should
be able to enjoy your summer on your
terms. Apply the tips above and you and
your family will have a home and yard to
enjoy all season.
Courtesy BPT