Lower temps at a lower price: How to improve
the energy-effi ciency of your home today
When the seasons change, the energy
needs in your home change right along
with them. And yet, whether you need to
heat or cool your home, there’s one thing
that never shift s: You want to do so as
effi ciently as possible.
An energy-effi cient home is more than
just good for the environment. It’s good
for your pocketbook as well. By eliminating
any unnecessary energy expenses
you ensure you have more money to
spend enjoying all the season has to off er.
You can start making your home more
energy-effi cient today and it begins with
these four tips.
• Get proactive about your insulation.
Your home’s insulation is oft en
treated with an out-of-sight, out-ofmind
mentality, yet improvements
here could dramatically support your
home’s energy-effi ciency. While insulation
is commonly seen as a benefi t
to keep your home warm in the winter,
it also works to keep cool, air-conditioned
air inside as well. Your insulation
needs depend, in part, on where
you live, but it’s worth your time to
research this opportunity. Check to see
that you have suffi cient insulation and
make additions or replacements as necessary.
• Have your HVAC system serviced. A
well-functioning HVAC system can
have a dramatic impact on your home’s
energy-effi ciency and now is the perfect
time of year to have your unit serviced.
During their visit your HVAC
contractor will monitor refrigerant levels,
clean the evaporator, the condenser
and the coils as well as adjust the blower
components. Th is should improve your
unit’s output, however, if your cleaned
unit still cannot keep the house comfortable
at a reasonable rate, you can
replace it with a more energy-friendly
model. LG HVAC units, for example,
are highly effi cient and several have
been recognized as “Energy Star 2018
Most Effi cient” winners, meaning they
represent the highest energy-effi ciency
in the category. From indoor units
like the ultra-quiet, sleek wall-mounted
Art Cool Gallery to outdoor units like
the Multi F ductless option, there’s an
HVAC unit to match your needs.
• Bring your windows into focus. Th e role
your windows have in dictating the temperature
in your home can be considerable.
Older windows allow cool air
to escape outside and that makes your
air conditioner work harder to control
the interior temperature. Replacing them
eliminates this problem and sets you up
to more easily retain heat during the winter.
And if new windows simply aren’t
possible right now, you can also make a
smaller, more immediate impact on your
energy-effi ciency by closing the curtains
during peak sunlight hours. Th is helps
keep the temperature of your home cooler
and reduces stress on your HVAC
• Consider alternative energy sources.
Instead of simply focusing on what you
can do with your current energy situation,
expand your options to alternative
energy sources as well. Installing
home solar panels can drastically cut
or even eliminate your electricity bills
and even increase your home’s resale
value. Newer systems like the LG NeOn
R maximize sunlight absorption and
generate the maximum possible output
- as much as 26 percent more than
other comparably sized solar panels.
Th is higher effi ciency means that your
solar panels can work in any climate or
season to deliver for you.
Start improving your energy-effi ciency
Improving your home’s energy-effi -
ciency benefi ts you not only during the
summer but all year long, so what are
you waiting for? Start applying the tips
above today and you’ll see the benefi ts
on each and every single energy bill going
Courtesy BPT