MMA Fighters Inner Battle
The Fight Inside & Outside the Cage
My name is Destiny Quinones, better known to the MMA world as Destiny
"The Cage Cutie" Quinones. I love to Punch people in the face and make
money doing it! All joking aside, this is my story and my struggle. I'm
Destiny and welcome to my day to day battle with chronic depression.
I grew up in a normal, simple life with my mom, step dad and siblings. I
went to school and I had friends. Unfortunately from my outside appearance
you would never think anything was wrong with me, but my mind was
my worst enemy. Some days I'm
perfectly normal, but the other
days ... man o’ man, the other days
I started at a young age cutting
myself, I don't know what told me
to do it but I did, guessing the adrenaline was a temporary relief from my
mind & mood. Sometimes I wanted to bang my head against the wall, no
idea why, but I wanted to. It's hard to explain not wanting to do anything but
lay in bed and just stare at the walls, not wanting to move, not wanting to
eat or drink, just wanting to end it all. I tried drinking and smoking weed.
Everything was a temporary fix.
After one big fist fight with my mom, I was sent to Marital Arts at age 13
and tried Brazilian Jiu- Jitsu and I loved it. I got to choke people out and
slam them. This made me so, so happy. From there, I learned Karate and
Muay Thai and punching people was just as much fun... getting hit back,
not so much. I then competed in my very first MMA match and was
Currently, I am an undefeated pro fighter. I still struggle with depression
and relapse from time to time. Luckily, I have a great family and a very
understanding fiancé. My dog, two
cats and three lizards help too.
If anything, I just want to tell
people who are suffering like me, there is help and hope. You are not alone.
Don't think you are crazy and don't reject the help. I go to therapy and take
I used to be super embarrassed about my condition and after a few
attempts at suicide, I finally got help.
I have a system, the number 5 is normal for me, 8-9 is extreme, and I'm
flipping out. There are a lot of techniques to bring you back down.
Next Level Mixed Martial Arts is one of them. Help is just a phone call
away, 718-322-3960 or to enroll.
If any girl out there is struggling and needs a friend, I'm just an inbox away.
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FB @
I am Destiny and this is my story