kids & education
Photo by Joseph Sommo
Legendary Molloy teachers announce their retirement
start reading the adult books, she said.
to run for New York City mayor, and
that information with their parents who
Even though she went on to study biology
Diorio later became the mayor’s legislative
were also unaware — is one of the most
Twitter @R_Kelley6
and chemistry in college at fi rst,
rewarding things he experienced during
Gannon eventually realized that English
He began his tenure at Molloy teaching
his career.
A pair of distinguished teachers who
was her calling and changed her major.
history in 1960, but found his way
When he fi nished teaching his last class
served Archbishop Molloy High School
Especially when her courses required her
back to politics by 1968 when he was
on May 23 and walked out of the room,
in Briarwood for half a century are fi nally
to read more books, she felt like she had
instrumental in creating the American
Diorio said he was overcome with emotions
walking away from the profession to
“died and gone to heaven,” she said.
Government course for the senior curriculum.
as the faculty and students surprised
enjoy their retirement.
When she began her tenure at Molloy
He then moderated the Political
him by lining the hallway and
John Diorio, who taught government
in 1974, Gannon was one of only a handful
Science Club from 1968 to 1995 as his
applauding while congratulating him. He
and economics for 59 years, and Mary
of women on the faculty at the time.
courses on government, economics and
tried to rush to the elevator aft er giving
Pat Gannon, an English teacher for the
During her career, she taught English
constitutional law grew in popularity.
a few waves and smiles, but he couldn’t
past 44 years, both recently announced
courses at every level, infl uenced several
Over the course of his career he used
avoid being captured on a video that was
that they plan to retire when the current
students who went on to become successful
his political connections to invite guest
posted to the Molloy page on Facebook.
school year ends in June.
writers and authors and was one
speakers to his classes such as former
Unlike Gannon, Diorio preferred to
As iconic fi gures in Molloy history,
of the fi rst teachers to adopt the smartboard
Governor Mario Cuomo and former
use the chalkboard until his last class
they have taught thousands of students
as a tool in her classroom.
Congressman Joseph Addabbo
and didn’t adopt all of the new technology.
and multiple generations of families in
While that use of technology allowed
Sr. — the respective fathers of current
Naturally, he’s not on Facebook,
some cases; seen the school transition
her to better connect with a generation of
Governor Andrew Cuomo and current
but when someone showed him the video’s
from a boys-only school to co-ed; and
students who became increasingly visual
state Senator Joseph Addabbo Jr., both
50,000 views and thousands of comments,
experienced the evolution of technology
in their learning style, Gannon said, her
of whom wound up in Diorio’s classes.
he was amazed.
in the classroom fi rst hand.
unique experiences also taught her much
But, as Diorio recalled, he considers his
“Th ousands of people telling me I’m
When the Courier spoke to both of
about herself.
years of teaching and mentoring young
their favorite teacher, the best teacher
them on May 29, however, Diorio and
“I have learned that I’m still learning,”
minds as his defi ning achievement.
they ever had, the best course they
Gannon both expressed a passion for
Gannon said. “Th at kids bring to
“What’s very impressive here is the
ever had, I helped them become lawyers,
education that could carry them for even
a piece of literature a new vision, and
average student who’s living a very complete,
I helped them become secret service
they make me reevaluate it and I see it
average life,” Diorio said. “To me,
agents,” Diorio said. “Maybe I did, but
“It’s bittersweet because I think I can
with fresh eyes because of how they look
that’s successful. Somebody getting married,
that was my job basically. I didn’t take it
still walk into a room and teach at the
at it. No piece of literature is ever static;
having kids, working and helping
as anything special. Th at, to me, is one of
drop of a hat,” Gannon said. “I’ll fi nd it
it depends on the eyes and ears of kids
their family, that’s what we’re about. I’ve
my greatest accomplishments.”
very diffi cult to shut off that part of my
reading it.”
been fortunate because these boys and
While Diorio and Gannon will fi nd it
For Diorio, his passion for government
girls are so fabulous.”
hard to leave behind the enormous legacies
Gannon’s love for literature dates back
also predates his teaching career when
Diorio added that making his students
they created at Molloy, they both
to when she read all of the children’s
he was a staff member for then-Congressman
aware of who their political representatives
said they have no immediate plans for
books in the library and her mother had
John Lindsay. Diorio said the
are locally and nationally —
their retirement other than some much
to plead with the librarians to let her
staff was instrumental in getting Lindsay
and in turn seeing those students share
deserved relaxation.
John Diorio and Mary Pat Gannon inside the lobby of Archbishop Molloy High School on May 30.