5 ways to treat your family (and yourself)
and save money this holiday
The holidays are a cheerful time
of year, but the season also
comes with increased spending
- from purchasing gift s to holiday gatherings
and travel. And, while most are
shopping for gift s for others, recent
research shows that more than half
of shoppers are also buying for themselves,
adding further to the shopping
list. There's no better time than now to
plan for holiday gift shopping in order
to scoop up the best deals.
Commit to doing the holidays differently
this year with some quick
season's saving tips, so you can treat
yourself and your loved ones without
breaking the bank!
1. Hold a secret gift exchange:
Encouraging a secret gift exchange
is a fun, festive way to embrace the
spirit of giving, while curbing your
spending. A gift exchange requires
you to shop for only one person, so
you can spend more time focusing on
the perfect present. Using your smartphone
to research gift ideas based on
the recipient's interests is a great way
to give something meaningful. You'll
have a blast guessing who gave what
when it comes time to exchange gift s
as a group!
2. Get a jump start on savings: To get
some of the season's best deals, plan
ahead. Have your eyes on a certain
item? Invest time in advance of the
holidays to seek out the biggest sales.
It's never too early to start comparing
online and in-store deals for that
special treat. Keeping tabs on prices
on your smartphone can help you stay
organized while shopping.
3. Get the latest and greatest for less:
The latest electronics top holiday lists
every year, but the price tag on a new
smartphone shouldn't stop you from
treating yourself, or others. With
Straight Talk Wireless, enjoy savings
on the latest smartphones, like the
iPhone XS, and 50 percent more highspeed
data with the unlimited $35 and
$45 plans, making staying connected
to loved ones easier than ever this
holiday season. This means you could
give the gift of unlimited talk, text and
data with 3GB at high-speed (versus
2GB) for $35 per month, or 15GB of
high-speed data (versus 10GB) for $45
per month with the purchase of a new
4. DIY the holidays: Holiday events
can come at an expense, but no one
wants to miss out on the festivities.
Instead of splurging on crowded organized
activities, consider embracing
the holiday spirit from the comfort
of your home. From a day of cookie
baking and decorating to sprucing
up holiday decorations or a seasonal
movie marathon, there is no shortage
of ways to celebrate at home with
family and friends. Be sure to capture
photos of your DIY activities on your
smartphone and share them on social
media for others to see!
5. Carpool caroling: Travel expenses
are no small cost. Look to carpool with
friends and family whenever possible
to save money and maximize time
together. And if you're feeling extra
festive, stream your favorite holiday
tunes and movies from your smartphone
on the way.
The holidays are a time to treat not
only your friends and family, but also
yourself! With these simple ideas for
planning ahead and staying connected,
you'll be able to get something special
for everyone on your list and come out
on top. For more information and ways
to save, visit StraightTalk.com.
Courtesy BPT