26 NOVEMBER 24, 2016 RIDGEWOOD TIMES WWW.QNS.COM Success Profi le: Vision of NYU Lutheran’s new leader, Dr. Bret Rudy vschneps@ gmail.com NYU Lutheran Hospital is a shining star that’s been serving Brooklyn since its birth in 1881 as the Norwegian Lutheran Deaconess Home, helping Norwegian and European immigrants receive quality health care. It has come a long way! Under the leadership of Wendy Goldstein, the hospital expanded its reach outside its 450-bed facility in the Sunset Park section of Brooklyn. She integrated the hospital with its 243 skilled nursing homes, ambulatory care sites, senior housing and a managed Medicaid plan. But Goldstein knew if the hospital were to make its services the fi nest in the city, there was a need to have a world-class partner and she navigated the merger with NYU Langone and handed the reins of her beloved Lutheran to it. She will be pleased to know it has chosen a brilliant leader, Dr. Bret Rudy, to lead the hospital. I had the chance to sit down with him at his offi ces in the main building in the ever-changing Sunset Park neighborhood. His enthusiasm and commitment to the future of Lutheran were contagious. He boldly said, “You will see a campus transformation and a focus on excellence.” The changes under his leadership have begun with the critically important installation of Epic, an electronic record-keeping system. “When you go into the ER department, your record of every test you’ve had, every medication you take, will be seen by the physician who helps you. That’s the beginning of providing better care across our system,” said Dr. Rudy, a pediatrician by training. He added that the enormous project installing the electronic record-keeping system had been welcomed and embraced by the staff. In fact, he shared, when they pushed the “Go” button, aft er weeks of 24/7 work, it all operated seamlessly, “and,” he sighed, “I fi nally had a good night’s sleep.” This is only the beginning of the $100 million dollar investment NYU Langone is making in Lutheran. “I’m excited to see the merger of our NYU Langone Manhattan doctors with the Lutheran team,” he added. “We have put in place a ferry service to bring our campuses together. And it’s been very eff ective. “We are totally committed to excellence,” Dr. Rudy reiterated. The Philadelphia “transplant” was recruited by NYU Langone where he served as vice chair of the Department of Pediatrics before being tapped to head up NYU Lutheran. His focus was on improving safety and accountability standards. He had previously been a professor at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, and he’s loving living and working in New York City, and relishing his new responsibilities. “We are the largest employer in Sunset Park with 3,000 employees,” he explained. He shared with me the hospital’s plans to continue its services to more than 100,000 people in the diverse area. The hospital staff speaks Spanish, Chinese and Russian to ensure that people in need can communicate at Lutheran’s 66 sites in Brooklyn. We welcome Dr. Rudy and his plans for transforming Lutheran into a world-class facility. He shared with a warm smile, “We have the vision and commitment to making this a center of excellence.” Amen! The hospital’s founding mother, Sister Elisabeth, must be smiling down from heaven pleased that her original mission “to serve our neighbors” has survived and flourished. Victoria’s Secrets Victoria SCHNEPS-YUNIS tweet me @vschneps
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