TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2014 • 52 More Money Needed For Shelter Fight, Glendale Middle Village Coalition Tells GPOA -CONTINUED FROM PG. 8- Haller, however, noted the organization would use other funds raised, and future donations, to pursue other legal actions against the shelter, including a potential filing in federal court, as well as retaining attorneys specializing in certain legal areas such as environmental law. Such actions could cost the coalition more than $100,000. “There are many different ways to attack this legally,” he said. “Those actions will be concurrent with the Article 78 action.” Raising more than $60,000 in just four months since the coalition was formed was an impressive feat, but Dooley and Haller cautioned the money needs to keep coming in to give the communities the best chance at defeating the shelter plan. One way the coalition hopes to reach their fundraising goal of over $130,000 is through its block captain network. Coalition member Deborah Kueber stated captains would go door-to-door on their block to inform neighbors about the shelter and solicit donations. The captains would be provided regular information through email blasts from coalition leaders, she added. Dooley believes this technique would be the most fruitful, as neighbors would be more willing to listen and donate to people they know. So far, families and individual residents provided donations ranging from as little as $4 to as much as $1,000. Businesses provided donations ranging between $50 and $2,000, while civic groups contributed between $1,000 and $5,000, Dooley stated. Coming off a successful October fundraiser at Yerman’s Pub in Glendale—in which the coalition received more than $8,000 in donations—the group will soon hold another fundraising event, according to Kathy Masi, president of the Glendale Civic Association. Working with Frank Tranchina of the Kiwanis Club of Glendale, the coalition is planning a pasta dinner to be scheduled in the coming weeks. While encouraging further participation and donation from the public, Dooley summarized the general opposition to the shelter, which the nonprofit group Samaritan Village plans to operate under a four-year, $27 million contract with the DHS. “We’re trying to institutionalize welfare instead of providing jobs and institutionalizing 125 families in one location,” Dooley said, referring to the city’s plan. “That’s like putting a whole city block in one area. … It makes you wonder who’s looking out for the tax-paying citizens of this community—and I hate to say it, but sometimes, it looks like no one.” Dig they must Moving on with its regular agenda, Dooley and Community Board 5 Chairperson Vincent Arcuri informed residents of a water main replacement project underway in eastern Glendale. The GPOA president explained the work is taking place in an area generally bounded by 77th Avenue, Union Turnpike and 85th through 88th streets, though it includes a portion of Myrtle Avenue. Many gas and utility lines were relocated under the streets in recent weeks to prepare for the work. A 20”-wide water main will be installed along Myrtle Avenue, while a 12”-wide main will go under 77th Avenue. Mains of 8” in diameter will be placed under other local streets. “Expect more pain and heartache when it comes to parking” in the area, Dooley warned, adding that periodic water service disruptions would also occur while the work takes place. The project is expected to be completed in four months. Arcuri added that emergency sewer repairs are also occurring on 74th Street between Myrtle and 78th avenues. He anticipates the work will wrap up in about two weeks. Legal aid for the elderly Professor Angelo DiGangi of York College informed residents about Grandparent Resource Centers launched across the city focusing on providing “preventative law” practices for the elderly. The program, which engages local attorneys and young interns, aims to educate seniors on their legal rights and helps them in filing essential documents such as wills, health care proxies and power of attorney forms. DiGangi said each client undergoes a “legal x-ray,” in which attorneys examine various financial and personal aspects of a person’s life and looks to legally secure any problems that may arise. The resource centers also provide other services to seniors including foreclosure counseling and trips to places such as the U.S. Military Academy at West Point through the “Links to Freedom” program. First launched at Gottscheer Hall in Ridgewood, DiGangi noted, the program has spread throughout the country over the last few decades, with similar centers opening up in Florida and Colorado. Other news With Thanksgiving on the way, various local groups have launched food drives to assist families in need. Dorie Figliola, a representative of Assemblyman Mike Miller, announced the lawmaker is continuing to accept donated food items for the Sacred Heart Church pantry in Glendale and other pantries set up in Woodhaven and Richmond Hill. Additionally, she noted, three local churches—Trinity Lutheran in Middle Village, Covenant Lutheran in Ridgewood and the United Presbyterian Church in Ridgewood—are teaming up to operate a food pantry at Ascension Lutheran Church in Glendale scheduled to open today, Nov. 13. The pantry will provide food to needy residents every Thursday and Friday afternoon from 1 to 4 p.m. The GPOA also held nominations for its executive posts and board of directors, with elections scheduled for December. Financial Secretary Freida Koenig resigned after 24 years in the post; board member Michelle Cook-Lopez was nominated as her successor. All other current executive and board members were renominated. They are President Dooley; First Vice President Robert Kozlowski; Second Vice President Howard Jaeger; Executive Secretary Chris Kurre; Corresponding Secretary Susan Petschauer; Recording Secretary Margaret Kotnik; Treasurer Clara Sarocco; Sergeant-at-arms Norbert Giesse and board members Dori Capace, Donald Desmond and Anthony Hund. Elections will be held at the GPOA’s December meeting. The next Glendale Property Owners Association meeting is scheduled to take place on Thursday night, Dec. 4, at 7:30 p.m. at St. Pancras Pfeifer Hall, located at the corner of Myrtle Avenue and 68th Street. DSNY Starts Night Plow Schedule -CONTINUED FROM PG. 6- “for more than 267,000 tons of rock salt and 325,000 gallons of calcium chloride solution” at its facilities. The melting agents will be spread across more than 19,000 lane miles in the five boroughs. Homeowners should continue to place their garbage and recyclables out on the curb as they normally would before scheduled pickups: no earlier than 4 p.m. the day before collection. As for shoveling sidewalks, property owners must clear a path within four hours after the flakes stop falling—or, if the storm ends after 9 p.m., by 11 a.m. the following morning. Those who fail to do so may receive a $100 fine from the Sanitation Department. Call 311 or visit www.nyc.gov/sanitation for additional information and questions regarding trash collection and snow removal. Katz Denies Zoning Variance For Ridgewood Lot -CONTINUED FROM PG. 10- Zone. Recently created by the city’s Economic Development Corporation, the zone aims to attract new industry into the former manufacturing hub while keeping present businesses in operation. At its June meeting, Board 5 recommended that the BSA deny the variance, claiming new residential development would be counterproductive to the IBZ’s mission. City Council Member Antonio Reynoso also publicly opposed the plan in a statement that a representative made during Katz’s July land use hearing on the matter. Moreover, some suggested the site could be appropriate for mixed-use (MX) experimental zoning that would allow a combination of light industry on the ground floor and residential space above it. In her recommendation, Katz echoed the sentiments of project opponents, favoring that the site be used to attract new types of industry into Ridgewood. “Over the last few decades, as the number of industrial businesses shrank or moved away, many of the parcels of land for such uses were redeveloped with non-industrial uses precluding future industrial development,” Katz said. “Preservation of land and space for industrial/manufacturing uses in New York City is important to assure that we can maintain the momentum and be part of the recent resurgence of manufacturing and new industries emerging in the nation and the city.” Both Katz’s and Board 5’s recommendations are nonbinding; the BSA makes the final decision on zoning variances, based on the input received for each project. IIff YYoouu SSeeee BBrreeaakkiinngg NNeewwss OOnn YYoouurr BBlloocckk...... 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