FORGOT ABOUT REFORM The DOB paid consulting firm CTL Engineers & Construction Technology Consultants $3.9 million to complete the report to identify hazardous conditions and gaps in regulatory and enforcement measures that could have contributed to accidents, according to Stringer. Stringer’s audit further examined whether the DOB implemented the HRCO findings in timeframes the agency committed to in a follow up document titled the HRCO Implementation Milestones. “These catastrophes should have been a wake-up call, but instead, the Department of Buildings seemingly lost interest––and its sense of urgency faded,” he added. “The emergency contract was issued with hopes of halting construction accidents, which skyrocketed by nearly 50 percent from FY06 to FY08. Unfortunately, we found that DOB lost momentum just when it was critical to take action and protect New Yorkers from potential danger.” The DOB gave CTL an additional $1.9 million in December 2009 to help with the 3 • TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2014 Comptroller: Bldgs. Dept. Still Lags In Safety by Noah Zuss An audit by City Comptroller Scott Stringer released Monday, Nov. 10, revealed that the Department of Buildings (DOB) spent $5.6 million on a safety reform plan for high-rise worksites, but did not fully implement the majority of its recommendations. Stringer found that in six years, the DOB fully effected just eight of 65 reforms aimed at improving worker safety at highrise worksites. They were among recommendations of the High Risk Construction Oversight (HRCO) study––completed in July 2008––to improve worksite safety at construction sites. “The Department of Buildings spent millions of dollars on a consultant study to find ways to improve safety at construction sites and then did not act promptly to implement most of its recommendations,” Stringer said. The study was initiated after construction cranes crumbled twice in 2008, leaving several people dead. “When those cranes collapsed, so too did public confidence in how those construction sites were managed,” Stringer stated. “The lack of a strong government commitment to fix this problem is inexcusable.” An emergency procurement procedure was used to commission the HRCO study in July 2008, Stringer noted. -SEE AUDIT ON PG. 27- Patriotic Maspeth Students On March Maspeth High School’s Junior States of America Club participated in the Queens Veterans Day Parade in Middle Village on Sunday, Nov. 9. As noted, the group works to recognize and offer gratitutde to the sacrifices made by American troops and their families. Club members are pictured just before the parade began. Stray Shot Strikes Man In Bushwick Injured By Slug While On A Walk by Robert Pozarycki Walking his girlfriend home proved to be a painful experience for a 22-year-old man hit by a stray bullet fired on a Bushwick block last Wednesday night, Nov. 5, police reported. According to law enforcement sources, the shooting occurred at about 7:44 p.m. last Wednesday in the vicinity of Hancock Street and Knickerbocker Avenue. Reportedly, the victim was walking his companion home when he stopped into a bodega. Seconds later, police noted, he stepped out when he heard shots fired from a distance. Authorities said he then discovered that he had suffered a gunshot wound to his left arm and began running away from the location. Upon reaching the intersection of Halsey Street and Irving Avenue, he reportedly contacted police. Moments later, 83rd Precinct officers and EMS units responded to the location. Paramedics brought the injured man to Brookdale University Hospital, where he was treated and released. No other injuries were reported. The case was presented to the 83rd Precinct Detective Squad for further investigation, police said. Anyone with information regarding the shooting that could prove helpful is asked to call the 83rd Precinct Detective Squad at 1-718-574-1796; all calls will be kept confidential. Here’s A Glimpse Of What’s In This Week’s Times Newsweekly... LOCAL NEWS HIGHLIGHTS RRIIDDGGEEWWOOOODD:: CCoouuppllee BBuusstteedd FFoorr LLaarrcceennyy SSeerriieess......................Pg. 1 FFLLUUSSHHIINNGG:: RReessuullttss OOff RRoocckkaawwaayy BBeeaacchh LLiinnee SSttuuddyy...................Pg. 1 LONG ISLAND CITY: Man Stabbed During Club Beef...............Pg. 1 GGLLEENNDDAALLEE:: CCeerreemmoonnyy HHoonnoorrss VVeetteerraannss’’ SSeerrvviiccee............Photo, Pg. 1 RRIIDDGGEEWWOOOODD:: II..SS.. 9933 SSpprruucceess UUpp 110044tthh PPrreecciinncctt...........Photo, Pg. 1 BUSHWICK: Stray Shot Strikes Man During Walk....................Pg. 3 MASPETH: Patriotic H.S. Club Joins Vets Parade.............Photo, Pg. 3 RRIIDDGGEEWWOOOODD:: FFooccuussiinngg OOnn PPoossiittiivvee IImmpprroovveemmeennttss AAtt RRPPOOCCAA...Pg. 6 WOODSIDE: Cops Seek Leads In Identifying Butchered Man....Pg. 6 GLENDALE: Coalition Seeks More Funds For Shelter Fight........Pg. 8 FOREST HILLS: Famed Eatery Abruptly Closes Doors....Photos, Pg. 8 SSUUNNNNYYSSIIDDEE:: BBooaarrdd 22 AApppprroovveess WWooooddssiiddee SStt.. DDeemmaappppiinngg........Pg. 9 HOWARD BEACH: Armed Crooks Hit Travel Office.......Photo, Pg. 9 RIDGEWOOD: Beep Denies Rezone Of Industrial Site............Pg. 10 GGLLEENNDDAALLEE:: PPoolliittiicciiaannss EEnnjjooyy LLuunncchh WWiitthh KKiiwwaanniiss..........Photo, Pg. 10 ELMHURST: Club Shooting, Homeless Shelter Tops COMET.....Pg. 11 RRIICCHHMMOONNDD HHIILLLL:: SSaayy BBuuss DDrriivveerr SSttaabbbbeedd HHiiss RRiivvaall................Pg. 11 BUSHWICK: Man Indicted For Fatally Beating Toddler............Pg. 12 ELMHURST: New Member Joins Franciscans...................Photo, Pg. 14 KKEEWW GGAARRDDEENNSS:: BBoorroouugghh PPrreessiiddeenntt SSaalluutteess VVeetteerraannss......Photo, Pg. 15 CORONA: Student Wins Congressional Essay Contest.....Photo, Pg. 17 LONG ISLAND CITY: Building Bridge To Higher Ed.........Photo, Pg. 18 GLENDALE: Board 5 Chair Leads Library Foundation.................Pg. 19 RIDGEWOOD: Dutch Day At Onderdonk House.............Photo, Pg. 19 OZONE PARK: Saluting Students’ Summer Reading.........Photo, Pg. 19 MIDDLE VILLAGE: Patriotic Fun At Vets’ Parade.............Photos, Pg. 22 REGIONAL NEWS HIGHLIGHTS Comptroller Claims Buildings Dept. Slow To Reform Policies.........Pg. 3 WWiinntteerr IIss CCoommiinngg,, AAnndd SSaanniittaattiioonn DDeepptt.. SSttaarrttss NNiigghhtt SShhiiffttss............Pg. 6 SSeelleecctt BBuuss SSeerrvviiccee CCoommiinngg TToo WWooooddhhaavveenn,, CCrroossss BBaayy BBllvvddss........Pg. 10 LLooccaall FFeeddeerraall PPrroosseeccuuttoorr TTaappppeedd TToo BBee NNeexxtt AAttttoorrnneeyy GGeenneerraall...Pg. 10 Indict 18 Alleged Gang Members For Brooklyn Violence............Pg. 17 Elderly Man Hits Casino Jackpot, Then Gets Robbed..................Pg. 18 With Holidays Coming, Pols Organize Food Drives...................Pg. 19 COLUMNS & LISTINGS Pat Buchanan..................Pg. 4 104th Precinct Blotter.....Pg. 11 News From The WRBA....Pg. 14 Transit & Traffic News.....Pg. 18 It’s In Queens!...............Pg. 20 Community Calendar.....Pg. 20 Crossword & Sudoku......Pg. 20 TV Listings.....................Pg. 21 The Old Timer................Pg. 24 112th Precinct News.......Pg. 25 Social Security News.....Pg. 25 Sports...........................Pg. 57 SUBSCRIBE TO THE TIMES NEWSWEEKLY! 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