legal notices
Notice of formation of
Articles of Organization
led with Secy. Of State of
NY (SSNY) on 08/11/2017
Of ce location: Queens
County. SSNY has been
designated for service
of process. SSNY shall
mail copy of any process
served against the LLC.
SSNY shall mail process
to 20720 JORDAN DR FL
2 BAYSIDE, NY 11360.
Purpose: any lawful
Notice of Formation
Articles of Organization
led with the Secretary
of State of NY (SSNY)
on 7/24/2017. Of ce
Location: Queens
County. SSNY has been
designated as agent
upon whom process
against it may be served.
SSNY shall mail copy of
process to 10-40 45th
Ave, #3E, Long Island
City, NY 11101. The
registered agent of the
limited liability company
whom process against it
may be served is Spiegel
& Utrera, P.A., P.C., 1
Maiden Lane, 5th FL, NY,
NY 10038. Purpose: Any
lawful purpose.
KNY 154 Property LLC
Arts of Org led with NY
Sec of State (SSNY) on
7/21/17. Of ce: Queens
County. SSNY designated
as agent of LLC upon
whom process may
be served. SSNY shall
mail process to: 154-19
Northern Blvd, Flushing,
NY 11354. General
LLC Articles of Org. led
NY Sec. of State (SSNY)
on 09/18/2017. Of ce in
Queens Co. SSNY desig.
agent of LLC upon whom
process may be served.
SSNY shall mail copy
of process to GIBRAN
NARINE 16527 145TH
Purpose: Any lawful
LCCH 1106 LLC, Arts
of Org. led with Sec.
of State of NY (SSNY)
5/11/2017. Cty: Queens.
SSNY desig. as agent
upon whom process
against may be served
& shall mail process
to Christina Hsu, 4630
Center Blvd., Unit 909,
Long Island City, NY
11101. General Purpose.
Notice of Formation
of Lieber Grama
Management LLC. Arts.
of Org. led with Secy.
of State of NY (SSNY) on
6/15/2017. Of ce location:
Queens County. SSNY
designated as agent of
LLC upon whom process
against it may be served.
SSNY shall mail process
to: 24 Forshay Road,
Monsey, NY 10952. Term:
until 12/31/2116. Purpose:
any lawful activity.
Notice of Formation of
Miguel Saco & Daughters
LLC. Arts. of Org. led
with NY Dept. of State on
7/31/17. Of ce location:
Queens County. NY Sec.
of State designated agent
of the LLC upon whom
process against it may
be served, and shall mail
process to Miguel Saco,
c/o Stephens Law Firm,
PO Box 408, Brewster,
NY 10509. Purpose: any
lawful activity. Principal
business location: 39-50
Crescent St, Long Island
City, NY.
Notice of formation of
Ready 2 Wear, LLC.
Articles of Organization
led with the Secretary of
State of New York (SSNY)
on 8/1/2017. Of ce
located in Queens Co.
SSNY is designated as
agent of LLC upon whom
process may be served.
SSNY shall mail copy
of any process served
against the LLC to 24-67
Francis Lewis Blvd, 2 FL,
Whitestone, NY 11357.
Purpose: Any lawful
Notice of formation of She
Did It Again Muzik, LLC
Articles of Organization
led with Secretary of
State of NY (SSNY) on
3/31/2017 Of ce location:
Queens County. SSNY
designated as agent of
LLC upon whom process
against it may be served.
SSNY shall mail process
to: Robert Alexander
7113 60th Lane Apt. 310,
Ridgewood, NY 11385.
Purpose: any lawful
Articles of Org. led NY
Sec. of State (SSNY)
10/11/2017. Of ce in
Queens Co. SSNY desig.
agent of LLC upon whom
process may be served.
SSNY shall mail copy of
process to 83-47 258 St.,
Floral Park, NY 11004.
Purpose: Any lawful
Notice is hereby given
that a license number
1305802 for beer,
liquor and wine has
been applied for by the
undersigned to sell to
beer, liquor and/or wine
at retail in a lounge under
the Alcoholic Beverage
Control Law at JFK
International Airport,
Terminal One, Jamaica,
NY 11430 for on premises
consumption. LSG Sky
Chefs Lounge, Inc.
Sustainable Landscapes
of New York LLC, Arts
of Org. led with Sec.
of State of NY (SSNY)
5/22/2017. Cty: Queens.
SSNY desig. as agent
upon whom process
against may be served
& shall mail process to
84-10 101st St., Apt. AA,
Richmond Hill, NY 11418.
General Purpose.
Notice of Formation of
TSINY 163rd Street, L.P.
Certi cate led with Secy.
of State of NY (SSNY)
on 08/17/17. Duration:
12/31/2167. Of ce
location: Queens County.
SSNY designated as
agent of LP upon whom
process against it may
be served. SSNY shall
mail process to: TSINY
163rd Street, L.P., c/o
Transitional Services for
New York, Inc., 10-16
162nd St., Whitestone, NY
11357. Name/address of
each genl. ptr. available
from SSNY. Purpose: any
lawful activities.
Notice of formation of
Articles of Organization
Filed with the Secretary of
State of New York SSNY
on 08/08/2017. Of ce
located in Queens. SSNY
has been designated for
service of process. SSNY
Shell mail copy of any
process served against
the LLC 8519 57 Ave
2FL, Elmhurst NY 11373.
Purpose: any lawful