Fresh N Save on Myrtle Avenue gets a major overhaul
Customers who visit the Fresh
N Save supermarket on Myrtle
Avenue in Ridgewood are in for
a brand-new experience as the store
recently fi nished major renovations
that expanded many of the store’s
departments and added in some new
sections, as well.
The renovations – which took place
over the course of a year – expanded
the bakery department, along with
the meat, dairy and deli sections of
Fresh N Save, said Amin Siad, the
supervising manager of the Fresh
N Save. The parking lot was also
“We actually made room for three
more spots in the parking lot,” Siad
said. “Before, we had 29 spots; now
we have 32.”
Many of the features inside the
store changed as well, such as the cashiers
moving to the opposite side of
the building, which allowed Fresh N
Save to shift the entrances of the store,
giving customers access from each of
the surrounding streets, Siad said.
Some of Fresh N Save’s new features
include a hot food section and
a new cheese case with delicious
cheeses from around the world.
The biggest addition to the store,
however, is the new seafood department,
where they now sell all diff erent
kinds of fresh fi sh.
“We have fresh, wild-caught clams.
We have live crabs,” Siad said. “Any
fi sh, we can get you. If we don’t have it,
we can order it for you.”
Fresh N Save also has a kitchen in
the basement where they make the
prepared foods for sale, as well as a
bakery where they make fresh breads
and pies each day, and produce section
where they clean, chop and package
fresh produce.
This is the fi rst major renovation
the location has received since
opening for business in 1999,” Siad
explained. In 2012, however, Fresh N
Save received a “facelift ” when crews
came in and put down new fl ooring
and gave the entire store a fresh coat
of paint, but nothing to the magnitude
of this renovation.
Although the interior and exterior
of the store has changed, the values
and commitment to the community
have remained.
“In order to compete with your
competitors, you have to create a new
brand, and this is what we are trying
to do with Fresh N Save Marketplace,”
Siad explained. “We don’t want to be
Whole Foods, not Stop & Shop, but
Fresh N Save, our own brand. We’re
trying to be something diff erent, but
not something customers can’t relate
to. We want a relationship with the
neighborhood and our customers.”
Fresh N Save, which is located at
60-16 Myrtle Ave., is planning on
holding an offi cial grand re-opening
sale in the near future. To stay up to
date on sales, visit the Fresh N Save
Facebook page.
Photo by Anthony Giudice/Ridgewood Times
Fresh N Save has brand-new sections for customers to check out when they visit.
Ridgewood Democratic Club meets with
Supreme Court judicial candidates
On Friday, Oct. 20, the Ridgewood
Democratic Club (RDC)
held its monthly meeting
which featured several speakers
including Councilwoman Elizabeth
Crowley; Captain Michael Gibbs,
Executive Offi cer of the 104 Precinct;
Supreme Court Judicial Candidates
Ulysses Leverett and Gregory Lasak;
and Civil Court Judicial Candidate
John Katsanos.
Pictured from left to right: Offi cer
Charlie Sadler, Community Aff airs
104th Precinct; Assemblywoman
Catherine Nolan; NYS Supreme
Court Judicial Candidates Ulysses
Leverett and Gregory Lasak;
Councilwoman Elizabeth Crowley;
David Aglialoro, Democratic
District Leader 37B; Diane Ballek,
Democratic District Leader 37B;
Photo courtesy of the Ridgewood Democratic Club
Captain Michael Gibbs, Executive
Offi cer 104th Precinct; Joan de Camp,
RDC Board Member; David Renz,
Co-President of RDC; Civil Court
Judicial Candidate John Katsanos;
Eddie Lettau, RDC Board Member;
and Alison Cummings, Co-President
of RDC.