Forest Hills ambulance volunteers
raise funds for muscular dystrophy
Mikey Bonilla, 22, has rarely
walked without assistance
as he’s battled muscular
dystrophy since the age of 2.
Now the Forest Hills Volunteer
Ambulance Corps (FHVAC) is trying
to raise up to $12,000 in funds to get
Bonilla a state-of-the-art wheelchair
that will allow him to virtually stand
and complete a greater range of tasks.
Alan Wolfe, vice president of the
FHVAC, said Bonilla’s insurance company
will not pay for the wheelchair,
so the group is stepping up for Bonilla,
whose father, Miguel, is the corps’
training offi cer.
“Bonilla can’t stand up on his own.
He needs to have assistance and with
him being older and bigger it becomes
very diffi cult for people to help stand
him up,” Wolfe said.
The FHVAC is asking for a $50
donation minimum donation at the
door for the Nov. 3 #stepupformikey
fundraiser at Austin’s Ale House in
Kew Gardens. The event will run
from 8 to 11 p.m., with an open bar
and appetizers served.
“It’s a powered wheelchair that will
actually stand him up so that he can
do whatever he needs to do: he can
bathe, shower, walk around with
assistance from the chair,” Wolfe
said. “We’re a close-knit family and
now we’re coming to help one of our
members in his time of need. We ask
the public to join us in this effort.”
Wolfe asked that anyone who is
not able to attend make a donation
over the website the event is posted
under, https://squareup.com/store/
Bonilla’s father, also named Mike,
also works for the Bronx District Attorney’s
office. He’s been a member
of FHVAC for 15 years.
Photo from the FHVAC
The Forest Hills Volunteer Ambulance Corps is hoping to raise $12,000
for a member’s son who suff ers from muscular dystrophy.
President’s Dinner celebrated
outgoing Glendale Kiwanis leader
The Kiwanis Club of Glendale
celebrated their 65th Anniversary
and President’s Dinner
Sunday, Sept. 30 at the Terrace in the
Park. There were over 100 guests
in attendance. The local dignitaries
congratulated the club for theirs of
service and congratulated the outgoing
President Kerrie Hansen on a successful
year. Days later, they welcomed
the clubs new president, Tony Sauro,
during a luncheon at Zum Stammtisch
restaurant in Glendale. Hansen is
pictured with some of the club’s past
presidents, including Fred Haller
III, Richard Huber, Michael Miller,
Kenneth Voisin, Paul Miceli, Leonard
Licata, Bill Maher, Deborah and Bob
Kueber, Lou DiRico and Charles Gering.
Photo courtesy of Kerrie Hansen