

6 times • JULY 7, 2016 FOR BREAKING NEWS VISIT Business owners discuss future of Myrtle Avenue Business Improvement District BY ANTHONY GIUDICE [email protected] @A_GiudiceReport Myrtle Avenue has seen some tremendous growth over the last couple of years, and the Myrtle Avenue Business Improvement District (BID) is excited to see the commercial strip in Ridgewood continue to prosper. The BID encompasses the stretch of Myrtle Avenue between Fresh Pond Road and Wyckoff Avenue, which is lined with retail chains, plaza spaces, longtime local businesses and newly opened shops, and provides its members with supplemental services and programs for an enhanced shopping environment. During the 28th Myrtle Avenue BID annual meeting, which was held on Wednesday, June 30, at Ridgewood Savings Bank, the BID presented its fiscal year 2017 budget and their future goals for Myrtle Avenue. After the BID assessment, the funds from the Myrtle Avenue street fair and interest, the BID has a budget of $510,176 for July 1, 2016, through June 30, 2017. Expenses for the BID include sanitation services, including sidewalk and curbside sweeping seven days a week, two Green Machine drivers year-round and one additional manual worker for 12 months as needed, as well as anti-graffiti supplies; security; beautification of the area including landscaping, weeding, watering and daily maintenance at the Myrtle Avenue plazas; streetscape improvements including benches, brick repairs in the plazas and other improvements; holiday lighting; the marketing and promotion of sales, ad books and various events including the Youth Farm Market, street fairs and holiday events; and administrative expenses. With the funds left over after expenses, the BID plans on continuing efforts with the NYC Department of Transportation (DOT) to work on the 71st Avenue Plaza, which has reclaimed the underutilized slip road between Stephen Street and Myrtle Avenue to increase safety, maintain operations for the nearby businesses and provide 3,000 square feet of public open space for residents and shoppers. DOT is set to begin the reconstruction of the 71st Avenue Plaza to transform it from a temporary plaza to a permanent plaza by leveling off the plaza in line with the street, planting new trees, and adding seating and a bioswale-type structure to gather stormwater. They hope to begin this construction by late summer/ early fall, and construction will last between 12 to 18 months. The BID is excited to continue their Youth Market/Green Market events, which provides the skills and experience to a small number of local students to work in a greenmarket environment. The Myrtle Avenue BID program has been rated the top Youthmarket in the city for produce sold seven out of the last eight years. Retail recruitment is still of prime importance to the BID. In order to bring a better retail mix to the BID, they will continue to reach out to local realtors and property owners, as well as update its business database and website with information about new properties available along the strip. The BID is also looking into expanding its boundaries along the Queens/Brooklyn border. GLENDALE, MASPETH, MIDDLE VILLAGE AND RIDGEWOOD RESIDENTS! The Patrol helps clear streets after a recent storm. 104th Precinct Civilian Observation Patrol Join us for a General Membership Meeting Thursday July 14th, 8-9 pm The United Talmudical Seminary located at 74-10 88th St. Glendale • Give back to your community! • Come and see how to keep your loved ones safe! “All it takes for evil to thrive is for good men and women to do nothing!” JOIN THE PATROL! For more information visit: or Call: 718-497-1500 ©2015 M1P • GLEK-067985 GLENDALE, MASPETH, MIDDLE VILLAGE AND RIDGEWOOD RESIDENTS! The Patrol helps clear streets after a recent storm. GLENDALE CIVILIAN OBSERVATION PATROL Join us for a General Membership Meeting Thursday, October 8th, 8 - 9 pm St. Pancras Pfeiffer Hall - 68-20 Myrtle Avenue, Glendale Give back to your community! • Come and see how to keep your loved ones safe! “All it takes for evil to thrive is for good men and women to do nothing!” JOIN THE PATROL! For more information visit: or Call: 718-497-1500 St • RIDGEWOOD TIMES/Photo by Anthony Giudice The Myrtle Avenue BID looks to keep events like the Myrtle Avenue Street Festival going through 2017. Queensboro Unico’s annual picnic event Members of the Queensboro Unico gathered at Manorhaven Park in Port Washington on Sunday, June 12 for their annual picnic. At the picnic, members enjoyed a beautiful day filled with food, fun and entertainment. Queensboro Unico also raised funds for one of the charity organizations that they sponsor. Photo courtesy Queensboro Unico

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