72 THE QUEENS COURIER • BUZZ • JULY 7, 2016 FOR BREAKING NEWS VISIT www.qns.com 28 TIMES • JULY 7, 2016 FOR BREAKING NEWS VISIT www.qns.com Victoria’s Secrets Being in the moment A perfect day at the beach Dynamic for all the news 24 $1500 hours,off Lumineers 7 days $500 a off week Invisalign DENTAL go WORK to www.CALL FOR FREE CONSULTATION THE INVISIBLE WAY TO SOME EXCLUSIONS APPLY STRAIGHTEN TEETH Third Generation Dentist timesnewsweekly.com 175-15 Jamaica avenue, Jamaica 718-297-4100 • 718-297-4106 With the July 4th weekend behind me, I relished every minute of it, having learned from my daughter Elizabeth to always “be in the moment.” In my multi-tasking world, that is not always easy to achieve, but she taught me well. In an article on June 19 in The New York Times, writer Moshe Bar wrote that people should “think less, think better.” It’s been proven, he wrote, that “mind-wandering and ruminations become a tax on the quality of your life. When you free your mind...you have a richer experience of life.” And so I’ve made an effort to do just that. Sometimes I feel that my brain freezes and I can’t get remember anything. I take a deep breath through my nose and let the air out through my mouth to the count of four. It’s a powerful meditation that frees my brain to think again. I haven’t golfed for a year, and although I’ve had opportunities to play, I found excuses not to. On Saturday morning, however, I found a friend to golf with, and off I went. For anyone who doesn’t play golf, I recommend it as a unique experience. Take a cart or take a walk through a course. For me, it was literally a walk in the park! The rolling hills, the smooth, well-manicured greens and the scent of the recently cut grass made me want to roll down one of the rich green fairways. They were so lush! The experience of being there is so invigorating. The breeze blew strongly as I made my way up to a hilly green. I relished the moment of the wind in my face, the view of the rolling, rich fairway, and then swinging my club and watching the ball fl y through the air. I didn’t keep score, as I just allowed my mind to take in the beauty of each hole. I wanted to be in the moment, and I was. All cares and worries went away with the wind. The long weekend also brought a reunion with my brother Bob, who splits his time these last 40 years between East Hampton, Manhattan and his dental practice on Staten Island. For whatever life’s reasons, we haven’t seen much of each other, but I was delighted that he and his wife B.J. invited me and my family for a holiday barbecue at his East Hampton home. He had bought the multiple acres set in the woods when he was a bachelor over 40 years ago. He and B.J. have lovingly planted endless gardens, fi sh ponds and water lily ponds. Upon arriving there, the spectacular wall of pastel pink roses stopped me in my tracks. They were glorious to behold. Making my way down to the pool, I was taken by the lush trees that have grown from tiny sprigs over 40 years to now rich, thick and colorful trees. B.J. explained that two trees grew together to make the splashy look of Japanese maples. What a sight to behold! And speaking of splashes, Jonah and his 5-year-old sister Addy jumped again and again off the rock “diving board” laughing and giggling giddily. Only their hunger for the barbecue pushed them out of the water. Bob has built a vine-covered pergola overlooking a stream and lily pond, where we enjoyed the views and a meal of homemade potato salad, traditional deviled eggs, barbecued corn on the cob and, of course, the mandatory holiday hamburgers and hot dogs. The fi nale was a platter of sliced, rich, red, juicy watermelon and cupcakes decorated with American fl ags in the middle. A fi tting ending to a delightful day. Hopefully, when I get back to work, I can keep my mind focused on one task at a time, reminding myself to be in the moment! The weekend memories are imprinted on my mind, and I cherished every minute, making mental pictures to conjure up when I go to sleep or need a relaxed moment. Victoria SCHNEPS-YUNIS [email protected] tweet me @vschneps Happy July 4th! Jumping off of the rock “diving board” Cupcakes decorated with American fl ags Enjoying a meal at the vine-covered pergola
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