29 • TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 1, 2014 58-01 COOPER AVE. RIDGEWOOD NY 11385 347-513-4915 BAD CREDIT• NO CREDIT • NO PROBLEM TAX ID CREDIT•CARFAX AVAILABLE • WE ACCEPT ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS 22000022 HHoonnddaa OOddyysssseeyy EEXX--LL Price: $$3,995 Mileage:144,266 Alloy Wheels, Leather Seat, Power Sliding Side Van Door,Standard Seating: 7 22000077 MMeerrccuurryy MMoouunnttaaiinneeeerr Price: $6,695 Mileage:106,156, Black,Luxury 4.0L AWD,5 Speed Automatic 22000066 NNiissssaann PPaatthhffiinnddeerr Price: $7,995 Mileage:146,099 6-Cylinder V6, 4.0L, 5 Speed Automatic, 4WD/AWD 22000055 SSaattuurrnn RReellaayy Price: $3,995 Mileage:134,699 6-Cylinder V6, 3.5L; SFI,4 Speed Automatic, 4WD/AWD 22000055 BBMMWW 33 SSeerriieess Price: $5,995 Mileage:138,298 6-Cylinder L6, 2.5L; DOHC 24V, 4WD/AWD 22000077 CChheevvrroolleett SSuubbuurrbbaann Price: $14,995 Mileage:139,007 8-Cylinder V8, 5.3L; FFV, 4 Speed Automatic, 4WD/AWD 2008 Chrysler Town & Country Price: $6,995 Mileage:99,710 6-Cylinder V6, 3.3L, Standard Seating: 7 ©Times Newsweekly - 2014 - KAPOS 22000044 FFoorrdd EEccoonnoolliinnee Price: $3995 Mileage:142,119 8-Cylinder V8, 4.6L (281 CID); SOHC; EFI, 4 Speed Automatic 22000055 HHoonnddaa OOddyysssseeyy EEXX--LL Price: $7,995 Mileage:116,589 Alloy Wheels, Leather Seat, Power Sliding Side Van Door, Standard Seating: 8 22000055 NNiissssaann AAllttiimmaa Price: $4,995 Mileage:155,851, Blue, 4-Cylinder L4, 2.5,SEDAN 4-DR 22000077 NNiissssaann QQuueesstt Price: $5,995 Mileage:113,867 6-Cylinder V6, 3.5L, 5 Speed Automatic 22000044 TTooyyoottaa SSiieennnnaa Price: $5,995 Mileage:155,100 6-Cylinder V6, 3.3L,5 Speed Automatic, 22000044 CCaaddiillllaacc EEssccaallaaddee EESSVV Price: $7,995 Mileage:157,731 8-Cylinder V8, 6.0L; High Output; MFI,4 Speed Automatic, 4WD/AWD 22000066 CChhrr yysslleerr PPaacciiffiiccaa Price: $5,395 Mileage:146,772 6-Cylinder V6, 3.5L, 4 Speed Automatic, 4WD/AWD 2008 Chrysler Town & Country Price: $5,995 Mileage:131,817 6-Cylinder, V6, 3.3L, Standard Seating: 7 22000055 FFoorrdd EEssccaappee Price: $4,995 Mileage:126,146 6-Cylinder V6, 3.0L, 4 Speed Automatic, 4WD/AWD 22000044 HHyyuunnddaaii SSaannttaa FFee Price: $3,995 Mileage:123,984 Black, Alloy Wheels, 4-DR, 4CYL 22000044 NNiissssaann MMaaxxiimmaa Price: $5,900 Mileage:133,354 6-Cylinder V6, 3.5L, SEDAN 4- DR 22000066 PPoorrsscchhee CCaayyeennnnee Price: $12,900 Mileage:125,041 8-Cylinder V8, 4.5L; DOHC 32V, 5 Speed Automatic 22000044 AAccuurraa MMDDXX Price: $7,995 Mileage:138,873 6-Cylinder V6, 3.5L; SOHC 24V; VTEC, 4WD/AWD 22000022 CChheevvrroolleett AAssttrroo Price: $3,995 Mileage:121,906 6-Cylinder V6, 4.3L (262 CID); 90 deg.; C, 2WD,4 Speed Automatic 22000088 CChhrryysslleerr SSeebbrriinngg Price: $4,995 Mileage:141,441 4-Cylinder L4, 2.4L; DOHC 16V 4 Speed Automatic 22000066 DDooddggee CChhaarrggeerr Price: $7,995 Mileage:140,758 8-Cylinder V8, 5.7L, 5 Speed Automatic 22000055 FFoorrdd EExxppeeddiittiioonn Price: $5995 Mileage:134,012 8-Cylinder V8, 5.4L; SOHC, 4 Speed Automatic, 4WD/AWD 22000066 JJeeeepp LLiibbeerr ttyy Price: $5,995 Mileage:145,267 4WD/AWD, Silver, 6- Cylinder V6, 3.7L 22000077 NNiissssaann MMaaxxiimmaa Price: $5,995 Mileage:162,449 6-Cylinder V6, 3.5L,VR Speed Automatic 22000088 SSaattuurrnn OOuuttllooookk Price: $7,995 Mileage:143,181 6-Cylinder V6, 3.6L; SFI,6 Speed Automatic, 4WD/AWD 22000055 AAuuddii AA88 Price: $7,995 Mileage:151,845 8-Cylinder V8, 4.2L,6 Speed Semi-Automatic, 4WD/AWD 22000066 CChheevvrroolleett EExxpprreessss Price: $5,995 Mileage:145,133 8-Cylinder V8, 4.8L, 2500 Cargo, 2006 Chrysler Town & Country Price: $3,995 Mileage:139,198 6-Cylinder 3.3L V6 OHV 12V, 4 Speed Automatic 22000099 DDooddggee JJoouurrnneeyy Price: $5,995 Mileage:134,040 4-Cylinder L4, 2.4L; DOHC 16V, 4 Speed Automatic 22000066 FFoorrdd EExxpplloorreerr Price: $6,995 Mileage:137,220 6-Cylinder V6, 4.0L (244 CID); SOHC, 5 Speed Auto, 4WD/AWD
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