MARCH 5 - mARCH 11, 2015 • TIMES 17 Warmer weather is finally on the way. What are you looking forward to most about warmer days ahead? “The snow finally melting.” Barry Omana BY ROSS BELSKY “Going to the park and hanging out outside for a change.” Matt Gallo “Everything. I don’t remember a winter this bad since 1995.” Maria Nass “Playing basketball, for sure.” Javier Jordan “Not wearing my winter coat and maybe just a hoodie.” Meme Santana “Practicing my parkour skills.” Michael Dickenson street talk “100 percent I am most excited to getting back to playing handball.” Brian Conner “In general I can’t wait. I am sick of wearing so much clothes.” Melanie Smith ElEctrolysis By rita PErmanEnt Hair rEmoval cErtiFiEd ElEctrologist in BusinEss ovEr 20 yEars! call FrEE consultation 718-& 15 min. 541-trEatmEnt For 9052 nEw cliEnts RIDGEWOOD HAIR STYLISTS 57-01 Catalpa Ave. (Cor. Seneca Ave.) 1 - 7 1 8 - 8 2 1 - 9 5 8 1 RIDGEWOOD HAIR STYLISTS WILL BE OPEN WEDNESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY COLOR AND BLOW - SHORT HAIR $45 - WED. AND THUR. Free deep conditioner treatment with this ad CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT • WALK-INS WELCOME Do you have diabetes? 20% of diabetics will develop a foot ulcer in their lifetime. Have you had your feet checked lately 718-NEW-FEET 6 3 9 - 3 3 3 8 Salon & Spa COLOR, HAIRCUT & STYLE CHILDREN’S HAIRCUT & BLOW DRY (UNDER 10) $80 $16 ONLY TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY & UP According to Length ONLY WIGS FREE 10% THURSDAY FULL HEAD HIGHLIGHTS 15% OFF Over 30 Years of Experience 60-35 82nd Street 718-505-6111 Middle Village, NY 11379 NEW CLIENTS WITH THIS AD Cezanne Perfect Finish Keratin Treatment Works without dangerous chemicals Cezanne Keratin Treatment $175 AND UP WED & THURS ONLY FREE HAIRCUT WITH TREATMENT EYELASHES WITH A FULL APPLICATION OF MAKEUP SPECIAL & UP OFF ONLY THURSDAY
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