

16 TIMES • MARCH 5 - mARCH 11, 2015 Playing games with public safety The most reliable thing about Congress is its uncanny ability to turn every possible issue into a political football. Take, for instance, the imbroglio over funding for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which the rightest of right-wingers on Capitol Hill have tried to attach to their brand of immigration reform. The Democrats want no part of that reform idea and would rather act on both matters separately. Just when it seemed some common sense prevailed through a Senatebrokered compromise last Friday, the House flushed that compromise down the toilet later that same day. Congress eventually agreed to keep the DHS funded for another week through a bill passed largely by the minority Democrats and Republican allies of House Speaker John Boehner. Finally, the House voted Tuesday to fully fund the DHS, only after allowing a faction of ideologues to humiliate the institution again. The DHS isn’t just some bureaucratic behemoth needlessly fed billions of dollars. It’s an organization formed following the 9/11 attacks to better defend and prepare the nation against any possible disaster, manmade or natural. Queens, along with the rest of New York City, has a target on its back in this age of terrorism, and the DHS plays an essential role in protecting LaGuardia and Kennedy airports from those who would do us harm. The DHS also provides the NYPD with pivotal support in investigating potential threats to the city and stopping plotters before they strike. Some may criticize the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) response following Hurricane Sandy, but the truth is the agency—another wing of the DHS— did play an important role in helping storm-stricken areas of this city recover. New York City needs a working and fully-funded DHS to adequately defend itself against terrorism and respond to any emergency that may strike this area. Playing political games with the DHS, as Congress is doing, endangers this city and other major urban areas across the nation. The city and nation also deserves a real immigration reform bill, but attempting to attach this idea to homeland security funding was misguided and absurd. It’s time for politicians to stop playing games with public safety. Cyberbullying - Think Before You Click BY STATE SEN. JOSEPH ADDABBO The very first, original iPhone was released in the summer of 2007. Almost eight years later, we have had six significant upgrades and mass distribution of just that one smartphone. The acceleration of technology upgrades is moving quicker each day and the number of devices – from phones, to laptops, to tablets – is expanding rapidly. Every day the public strives to keep up with the latest gadget, and people with technology access are getting younger and younger. When our children are exploring that world wide web, they can learn an inordinate amount of useful information, but at the same time typically delve right into social media, where they are given the option to disclose their private lives. Now, while this is “what everybody’s doing,” it’s important to acknowledge this leaves them vulnerable to a number of harms. Most of us have heard the term “cyberbullying”; bullying is no longer confined to four walls, it is everywhere you look, everywhere you click. For me growing up, bullying was simply a nasty word said to one person, then said to another and another. Now, anyone can make a hateful comment on a picture or a written post, anyone can create a web page to bash a person or a group of people – the possibilities are truly endless. This school year, the New York City Department of Education designated February 9 to 13 as “Respect For All” week in all public schools. During this week, schools had the opportunity to highlight and build upon ongoing diversity programs. Individual school administrations created State Senator Joseph Addabbo new initiatives to promote respect for diversity, raise awareness and engage students in activities that focus on preventing bullying, including cyberbullying. Nearly 43 percent of teens have reportedly been bullied online and about 75 percent of those young students reportedly admit they have visited a website bashing another student. To me, that means Respect for All week is not only important in our high schools and middle schools, but also of importance to our elementary school children. It gives the ‘Respect for All’ message a chance to resonate with them early on and lessen the chance of cyberbullying in their futures. Students at Ridgewood’s P.S. 88 made antibullying posters, took part in discussions with guidance counselors and more. I was able to speak with third and fourth graders about their own experiences with cyberbullying and the dangers of social media. I shared with them stories of raising awareness with my own two daughters, and suggested they adopt the motto “S.O.S”, meaning if you See bullying Or hear about bullying, Say something. Studies show that only one in 10 victims will inform a parent or adult of their abuse. I also told my children and the students to “think before you click” – meaning, it is far too easy to click that “send” button, so think what your words can mean to the person or people on the receiving end of your message. Although the Internet has brought us countless benefits, it also brought countless dangers. It’s important to encourage our youth to use this tool as a good thing so that going forward, they build each other up and are not tempted to tear each other down. Our children deserve better than to be subjected to any kind of abuse from their peers. Editor’s note: State Sen. Joseph Addabbo represents the 15th State Senate district, which includes all or parts of Ridgewood, Glendale, Maspeth, Middle Village, Elmhurst, Woodside, Rego Park, Forest Hills, Woodhaven, Richmond Hill, Ozone Park, South Ozone Park, Howard Beach, Broad Channel and the Rockaways. editorial op -ed Font: Engravers Old English Normal Font: Engravers Old English Normal COPYRIGHT 2015 SCHNEPS NY MEDIA, LLC. 60-71 Woodbine St., Ridgewood, N.Y. 11385 General Publication Office: 38-15 Bell Blvd., Bayside, NY 11361 Periodicals Postage Paid At Flushing, N.Y. (USPS 465-940) TELEPHONE: 1-718-821-7500/7501/7502/7503 FAX: 1-718-456-0120 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEB SITE: ON TWITTER @timesnewsweekly PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY FOR 107 YEARS ESTABLISHED 1908 VICTORIA SCHNEPS-YUNIS and JOSHUA SCHNEPS....................Co-Publishers ROBERT POZARYCKI...........................................................................Editor-in-Chief JOSE VARGAS.......................................................................................Production/Sales Manager DEBORAH CUSICK...............................................................................Classified Manager MARLENE RUIZ.....................................................................................Assistant Classified Manager ANTHONY GIUDICE..............................................................................Reporter KELLY MARIE MANCUSO....................................................................Contributing Reporter MARCIN ZURAWICZ.............................................................................Photographer COMPOSITION RESPONSIBILITY: Accuracy in receiving ads over the telephone cannot be guaranteed. 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