More big wins for BWG
soccer in upstate tournament
Last weekend, a few of the BWG
soccer teams competed in the
Rockland County Community
College indoor tournament.
With great possession and style
against some very tough competition,
three Blau Weiss Gottschee teams won
the their respective tournament.
The entire BWG philosophy is to
develop kids that are comfortable on
the ball and technical enough to keep
the possession in any given game. It
seems that the rewards are visible as
teams are winning or playing great
soccer in every indoor tournament
where they compete.
BWG 2009 boys won fi rst place aft er
winning games against Clarkstown
SC 4-1; White Plains SC 5-1 and High
Five 4-1.
Meanwhile, the BWG 2007 group
decided to play a year up against older
boys. The age diff erence didn’t stop
them from playing great soccer and
capturing the fi rst place title. The 2007s
won fi ve games in the 2006 bracket and
outscored their competition 19-2.
Finally, the BWG 2003 Pre Academy
team also took home a fi rst-place
trophy. The kids played some close
games but end up winning against
White Plains SC, Auburndale SC, and
Greenwich SC from Connecticut.
Photos by Ovid Cusu