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STOP ILLEGAL NYC HOTELS Protesters Cite Serious Code Violations At City Hall Rally City Council Member Elizabeth Crowley (at podium) leading the rally against illegal hotels at City Hall last Tuesday, Jan. 20. Crowley, as chair of the Fire and Criminal Justice Committee, held the rally before an NYC Council oversight hearing looking at the effects of illegal hotels in the city. These hotels usually violate fire code provisions in residential buildings regarding overcrowding, means of egress, sprinklers, fire alarms and fire safety drills and plans. “Illegal hotels in multipledwelling buildings ... pose a serious threat to public safety— often unbeknownst to both visitors and neighbors until an emergency actually happens,” Crowley said. “Our city needs to be proactive and aggressively investigate complaints reporting illegal hotels to keep all New Yorkers safe.” Earlier in the month, Crowley sent a letter to the FDNY’s Acting Chief of Fire Prevention, Ronald Spadafora, asking the department to prioritize 311 complaints reporting these illegal hotels. Since 2010 there have been 3,192 complaints of illegal hotel activity registered with the city’s 311 system, according to Crowley’s press release. “By prioritizing enforcement, we can discourage bad actors from expanding this untaxed and illegal enterprise in our city,” Crowley said. TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 2015 • 8 by Anthony Giudice City Council Member Elizabeth Crowley joined other elected officials on the steps of City Hall last Tuesday, Jan. 20, to stand against illegal hotels in multiple-dwelling buildings. Mayor Pays Tribute To Life-Saving Cops Mayor Bill de Blasio and City Council Majority Leader Jimmy Van Bramer honored Police Officers Corey Sarro and William Caldarera of the 108th Precinct, last Thursday, Jan. 22, with a proclamation on behalf of the City Council for saving a senior’s life in Long Island City last December. Pictured are Mayor de Blasio and Van Bramer with the two honored officers. Lighthouse Assembly of God 71-29 68th Place (bet. Myrtle Ave. & Central Ave.) Glendale, N.Y. 11385 Sunday School for all ages 9:45 am Morning Worship (& Children Church) 11:00 am Sunday Evening Service 6:00 pm Friday-Prayer, Bible Study And Youth Meeting-7:30 pm (Preaching ALL The Gospel To ALL The Family) ©Times Newsweekly - 2014 - LIGHTHOUSE 1-718-456-1203 Rev. Deo Geer, Pastor ©Times Newsweekly - 2015 - STJOHNSCHUR IIff YYoouu SSeeee BBrreeaakkiinngg NNeewwss OOnn YYoouurr BBlloocckk...... CConnttactt Thhee Times Newsweekly CCaallll 11-771188-882211-77550000 •• EEmmaaiill iinnfoo@@tiimmeessnneewwsswweeeekkllyy.ccoomm

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