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‘HECK’ OF A PARK PROJECT Brooklyn Board 4 Looks At Playground Improvements through our Brooklyn Borough President as well as from our City Council Member Rafael Espinal, so we want to say thank you for that,”Whitted said. Thingue explained all of the new features and upgrades of the park to those in attendance. “The synthetic turf will be the main center of this large area. We have the track that goes around it,” Thingue said. The track will be outfitted with a “soft surface” to be more comfortable for users. The seating areas will consist of bleachers around the turf field and by the basketball courts. “These seating areas will be shaded by trees,” according to Thingue. Trees will not only provide protection from the sun, but will enhance the aesthetic of the park and, “act as a buffer from the basketball court to the synthetic turf area,” Thingue said. In regards to the adult fitness center, “we are providing new elements ... other than the stable, static elements, we have moveable equipment,” Thingue said. 3 • TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 2015 by Anthony Giudice Heckscher Playground in Bushwick is getting some major upgrades, and last Wednesday, Jan. 21, the Department of Parks and Recreation discussed phase two of the operation with Brooklyn Community Board 4. “Community Board 4 has prioritized the reconstruction of this park for a very long time ... I do believe that it’s a long time coming,” Board 4 District Manager Nadine Whitted remarked. Emmanuel Thingue, senior designer for Brooklyn of the Parks Department, gave a powerpoint presentation on the renovations planned for the Heckscher Courts section of the playground. The goals of this project— which has a $2.4 million budget—are: to provide clearly defined active recreational spaces for park users; to provide strong linkages between the active and passive sections of the park; to provide seating for each zone; and to integrate senior users with the active recreation area, Thingue announced. In order to achieve these goals, the project plans focus on building a synthetic turf soccer field for use by children, reconstructing the handball courts, installing an adult fitness area, creating a track that goes around the new synthetic turf field, fixing the basketball courts and installing drinking fountains and security lighting around the park. “This is a project that, I do believe ... we got moneys for this -SEE BOARD 4 ON PG. 20- LGBT Community Shows Its Pride At Astoria Dance City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito was among the honorees during the annual Queens Pride Committee’s Winter Pride dinner dance last Saturday night, Jan. 24, at Astoria World Manor. The benefit supports the LGBT organization which organizes the Queens Pride Parade held every June in Jackson Heights. Speaker Mark-Viverito along with Therese Rodriguez of the APICHA Community Health Center and the Queens Community House were recognized for their efforts in support of the LGBT movement. The speaker is pictured in the left photo (fourth from right) with (from left to right) City Council Members Costa Constantindes, Paul Vallone and Daniel Dromm; Queens Pride Committee co-chair Andrew Ronan; Judge Doris Ling-Cohan; City Council Majority Leader Jimmy Van Bramer; and Queens Pride Committee co-chair Alan Reiff. (photos: Marcin Zurawicz) Here’s A Glimpse Of What’s In This Week’s Times Newsweekly... LOCAL NEWS HIGHLIGHTS RRIIDDGGEEWWOOOODD:: BBiigg AAppaarrttmmeenntt BBuuiillddiinngg GGooiinngg UUpp.....................Pg. 1 FLUSHING: Katz Delivers First State Of The Borough.................Pg. 1 BBUUSSHHWWIICCKK:: PPllaayyggrroouunndd RReennoovvaattiioonnss TToopp BBooaarrdd 44 MMeeeett..........Pg. 3 ASTORIA: Council Speaker Feted At Pride Event.........Photos, Pg. 3 RICHMOND HILL: Community Chief At 102nd Council.............Pg. 7 SSUUNNNNYYSSIIDDEE:: MMaayyoorr HHoonnoorrss LLiiffee--SSaavviinngg CCooppss...............Photo, Pg. 8 FOREST HILLS: New Cops Welcomed At 112th Pct........Photo, Pg. 10 RRIIDDGGEEWWOOOODD//GGLLEENNDDAALLEE:: CCaatthhoolliicc SScchhoooollss WWeeeekk.....Photos, Pg. 12 GLENDALE: Bushwick Man Busted For Locker Theft................Pg. 13 RICHMOND HILL: Seek Suspects In Fatal Shooting.................Pg. 13 JACKSON HEIGHTS: Student Joins Naval Academy....Photo, Pg. 13 BAYSIDE: Rep. & Labor Secretary Visit College...........Photo, Pg. 13 LLOONNGG IISSLLAANNDD CCIITTYY//AASSTTOORRIIAA:: CClluubb SShhooootteerr CCaauugghhtt WWiitthh CCaacchhee OOff DDrruuggss IInnssiiddee HHiiss CCaarr.....................................................Pg. 14 CORONA: Alleged Kid Porn Peddler Sought Tryst.................Pg. 14 GLENDALE: Church Service For Congregation Unity.............Pg. 15 RIDGEWOOD: Democratic Club Holds Brunch................Photo, Pg. 15 LONG ISLAND CITY: Major Art Award Coming To Court Sq.......Pg. 18 MASPETH: Sports Stars Come Out For Charity Event......Photos, Pg. 18 MIDDLE VILLAGE: St. Margaret Holds Blood Drive........Photos, Pg. 18 MIDDLE VILLAGE: CK Students March In D.C.................Photo, Pg. 21 REGIONAL NEWS HIGHLIGHTS ‘‘BBlliizzzzaarrdd OOff 22001155’’ SShhuuttss DDoowwnn CCiittyy,, BBuutt SSppaarreess IIttss WWrraatthh.....Pgs. 1 & 11 AAsssseemmbbllyywwoommaann NNoollaann MMaakkeess BBiidd FFoorr SSppeeaakkeerr’’ss SSeeaatt.................Pg. 6 SSttrreeeett RReennaammiinngg BBiillll HHoonnoorrss SSllaaiinn BBrrooookkllyynn CCooppss,, RRiiddggeewwoooodd AAccttiivviisstt AAnndd SSuunnnnyyssiiddee PPrroommootteerr........................................................Pg. 7 City Hall Rally Against Illegal Hotels In Five Boroughs..................Pg. 8 MTA Agrees To Four-Percent Fare And Toll Increase.....................Pg. 9 Education Funding Fight Appears To Be Brewing In Albany..........Pg. 10 Legislator Seeks Annual DEP Drainage Woe Report...................Pg. 13 City Council Commemorates Liberation Of Auschwitz.................Pg. 15 COLUMNS & LISTINGS Ben Carson......................Pg. 4 104th Precinct Blotter.....Pg. 10 Transit & Traffic News.....Pg. 14 It’s In Queens!...............Pg. 16 Community Calendar.....Pg. 16 Crossword & Sudoku......Pg. 16 TV Listings.....................Pg. 17 The Old Timer................Pg. 19 My Say.........................Pg. 23 Social Security News.....Pg. 28 Sports...........................Pg. 50 FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @timesnewsweekly SSUUBBSSCCRRIIBBEE TTOODDAAYY TToo TThhee Times Newsweekly/Ridgewood Times! 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