

In Memory of our Friend Pouran and Co. lost a beloved friend and dedicated employee this past November. Agatha Georgatos, a hairdresser at the salon for 17 years, was born on the island of Kefalonia, Greece on February 23, 1955. “The relationship I developed with her was very unique and really great,” said Pouran Eshghi, of Pouran and Co. Georgatos is survived by her parents, husband Michael, sons Peter and Napolean, daughters-in-law Claire and Nicole, grandchildren Chloe and Michael, and one sweet grandchild on the way. She was an extremely talented woman who was loved and admired by everyone. Her co-workers, friends and family were so privileged to have shared her life. Our loss lies heavily in our hearts. We at Pouran and Co. send our condolences to Agatha’s loved ones. 26 North Shore Towers Courier n December 2013 What if you LIVE ALONE and have an EMERGENCY? Just One Push of a Button can Protect You from Emergencies! 4 Medical 4 Falls 4 Fire 4 Burglary Visit us on facebook Serving Metro NY www.lifewatch-usa.com AS SEEN ON T V “I’m never alone with LIFEWatch.” –Dick Van Patten 2 FREE Months! Sign up for our Annual Plan and get You’re never alone with LIFEWatch! 800.716.1433 SWITCHOVERS WELCOME!

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