Walk of Life
Breast Cancer Awareness Month serves as the perfect backdrop for revival of popular charity event
STEPHEN VRATTOS The sky was overcast, but not
a single face was downcast
as more than two dozen
residents and friends gathered in
the Country Club reception area
Sunday afternoon, October 8, for
the “Walk the Course for Breast
and Prostate Cancer.” Early morning
showers did nothing to dampen
the enthusiasm and positive spirit,
buoyed no doubt by the knowledge
of joining for such a great cause.
A similar event was held two
years ago, the first of its kind at
North Shore Towers. Despite its
success and support by residents,
a follow-up didn’t occur last year.
But GAP (Gym/Aerobics/Pool)
Committee Chair Phyllis Goldstein
was determined to bring it back, and
the record-breaking success of this
year’s Babes & Guys—engineered
by The Ladies’ Golf Association
(TLGA) under the impeccable
guidance of President Judy Lev and
her Committee Members—was just
the inspiration Goldstein needed to
resurrect the popular charity event.
Fittingly, all proceeds accrued this
year will go toward the Babes &
Guys event total, currently more
than $50,000.
Men and women both, many
clad in the signature pink of the
fight against Breast Cancer—shirts,
pants, sock, shoes, sweatbands, ribbon
pins—collected approximately
half an hour before the 3 p.m. start.
“I bought this shirt just for today,”
proudly confessed Board Member
Stanley Goldsmith, sporting a salmon
pink dress shirt.
Prior to take-off, Country Club
Fitness instructor Cari Heiman led
the group in a high-powered warmup,
while the 1979 McFadden
& Whitehead dance hit, “Ain’t
No Stoppin’ Us Now,” filled the
room. The air was electrifying when
Heiman guided her charges out the
patio entrance door to begin the
walk. Both a short and long walk
were provided to facilitate as many
people who wanted to participate as
possible whatever their capabilities.
The gray skies proved to be perfect,
keeping the temperature in the
comfortable ’70’s. A steady cool
breeze also helped. Just past the
gazebo by the 11th Hole, the group
split with those choosing the longer
option continuing after Heiman
and the others heading back toward
the Country Club. A lovely spread
of refreshments, including cookies
and cake awaited, provided by the
VIP Room’s Dennis and Reina.
Participants donated $20 each
to the cause; many others didn’t
walk, but contributed nonetheless,
while still others gave more than
the minimum. At the end of the
day, Country Club Manager Mary
Anne estimated more than $1000
was collected with the final tally
still to be determined.
GAP Chair Phyllis Goldstein and TLGA President Judy Lev stand
astride a poster promoting the event
Road Warriors (l. to r.) Mary Croutch, Country Club Fitness Instructor
Cari Heiman, Elise Alarimo, Manager Mary Anne Langone and Zumba
Instructor Vicke Nerys
Nice day for a walk
Happy together; Roseann Darche
and Helaine Magid
Sole Mates! 6 NORTH SHORE TOWERS COURIER ¢ November 2017