NST Residents help restore historic
Long Island landmark
ASANDBERG n interesting
up in a game the
other day about
whether it was
a good idea to
always exchange a
Joker for a missing
Mostly, capturing
another’s Joker is a consummation
devoutly to be wished. But it’s
not always a good strategic move,
because it has the potential to help
your opponent. Circumstances
define when it helps you and when
it helps your opponent.
So let’s talk about when you can
make the exchange…
In most cases, making the
Joker exchange is good for you—
for sure, if there is
more than one
Joker exposed
by your
S o
w h e n
s h o u l d
you not
make the
When it can
lead to giving
your opponent
a Jokerless hand.
Here is a situation
which requires your caution. The
game is more than half over and
at this point usually, players have
made Exposures. One player has
made two Exposures, using only
one Joker. You have come to the
conclusion that the rest of her hand
requires a Pair(s) for Mahj (There
should be no doubt in your mind
about the hand, if three Exposures
have been made.).This is particularly
true for this year’s card,
because so many hands require at
least one or two Pairs. If you make
the exchange, you have effectively
provided your opponent with a
Jokerless hand, if she wins. Not
good… It can be a sign of your
inexperience or carelessness or
both. And it is costly.
And don’t make the exchange
when all you need to declare Mah-
Jongg is a tile for a Pair. Since you
can’t use the Joker, it’s of no use to
you, but may prove to be of value
to your opponent’s hand.
Don’t be tempted to grab an
exposed Joker until you are fairly
sure the exchange helps you and
not an opponent.
Special K
Team NST; (l. to r.) Laurie Rogen, Barbara Reiter, Janice Chu, Meri
Mintz, Fran Gordon, Theresa Oropallo, Bob Rochedieu and (bending
down in front) June Rochedieu
The Rochedieus; first and second
place winners in their respective
age divisions
Steppingstone Lighthouse
Sunday, October 22, many
North Shore Towers residents
participated in the inaugural
5k Run/Walk in Great Neck, NY,
to raise funds for the restoration
efforts to “Save the Steppingstone
Lighthouse.” The future goal is
to restore the 1875 lighthouse for
tours and educational programs.
The race was a great success.
Much to our surprise, my wife June
came in second in her age division
and I received first place in my age
Hats off to all that helped make
this a walking, talking, sharing
and enjoying, beautiful fall day
Reprinted courtesy of the
Jewish Journal of Los Angeles
and Elaine Sandberg. Elaine
is a Mah-Jongg instructor,
who has taught the game for
Holland American Cruise
Lines and at American Jewish
University, and the author
of “A Beginner’s Guide to
American Mah Jongg: How
to Play the Game and Win”
(Tuttle, $14.95).