How did he do that?
Photos by Julie Weissman
The fall season for North
Shore Towers Women’s
Club continued with a real
winner of a program in the downstairs
card room on Wednesday,
October 12. The guest was clairvoyant
David Lawrence, whose
feats of magic and mind reading
was mesmerizing.
Opening remarks were made by
co-presidents Roberta Gould and
Julie Weissman. It was announced
Gloria Beck was named Vice
President and Chair of events,
while Rosalie Goodman and
Marilyn Goldberg were co-chairs.
Chickie Kaufman has been designated
Vice President of membership,
which now boasts 287, with
57 new members. The new vice
presidents have been honored with
this title for their untiring efforts on
behalf of the club. President Gould
spotlighted North Shore Towers
South will soon be in operation
for Florida residents.
In December and February, a
luncheon and trip is being planned.
Details will be available by contacting
Roberta Gould whose number
is listed below. Additional remarks
were made by Rosalie Goodman,
events chairperson, announcing
a private docent-led tour to
the Nassau County Museum on
November 2, before the closing of
the “New York, New York” exhibit.
The headliner of the evening,
David Lawrence dazzled the club
with his incredible talents. Well
known in the area, Lawrence
appears regularly at libraries,
country clubs, houses of worship
and other venues. A full house of
Women’s Club members was treated
to a full array of mind reading, card
tricks, memory tests, and best of all,
done with humor, a trademark of
Lawrence’s entertainment style.
Audience participation is key to
his act, and members were called
upon to think of words, pictures
and remembrances, Lawrence was
able to connect with members’
thoughts and match them. He
stated, “I have no prior information
about anyone if this room,” and
“Magic lets you forget your everyday
cares and worries.” Calling some
members up to the stage, Lawrence
correctly identified long forgotten
names of their childhood friend
and a household pet. Thus, Joyce
and Buster were pulled out of the
memory bank and fondly recalled at
Lawrence’s gently probing. All this
was interspersed with light banter
and running family jokes.
In addition to the mind reading,
Lawrence displayed his expertise
in magic. Using a delicate string of
light colored thread, he shredded it
and gently placed it on the sleeve
of his dark colored jacket. Without
stopping his banter for a moment,
the thread was magically restored
to its original length. In a tribute
to his grandmother, floral bouquets
out of multiple scarves mysteriously
emerged from a delicate, translucent
vessel. A fitting finale to
another successful Women’s Club
David Lawrence amazes the crowd
Save the dates
Wednesday, November 15,
7:30 p.m., Downstairs Card
Room Outstanding speaker,
professor and hero, James Coll:
“The Supreme Court”
Wednesday, December 20,
6–9 p.m., Towers on the Green
Holiday Party: “Simply Diamond”
Buffet, cash bar, assigned seating
• $$ to be announced
This ’n’ that
NST Women’s Club South info:
Roberta Gould
FL: #561-496-6650
NY: #718-224-4388
Membership and Dues ($25)—
Leave check with Concierge
Desk at Bldg. #3
Stay tuned for information about
“The Lunch Bunch” and “The
Look for the Yellow Rose
announcements in your mail-
Vice President and Chair of room. That’s us!
events Gloria Beck introduces
David Lawrence