

10 North Shore Towers Courier n November 2014 CPR class at NST The class works with life-like dummies to learn lifesaving techniques. For the third time this year, a lifesaving CPR session was offered by the Outreach Division of the New York City Fire Department  at North Shore Towers.  This was sponsored by NEXTDOOR  at North Shore Towers, Glen Kotowski and the Greenthal staff. The course offers new, simplified  techniques that have saved many victims of cardiac arrest. The process begins with a call to 911 and an immediate call to NST Security, followed by CPR. The call to security allows the elevators to be available when 911 arrives. FDNY suggests all phones have stickers with NST Security’s number on it. Minutes count until help arrives. We Took A Stroll Through An Amazing Plant The PAC got an early tour of the new power plant. On Wednesday, Oct. 1, the North Shore Towers Political Action Committee (NST PAC) toured North Shore Towers Power Plant thanks to the graciousness of Glen Kotowski, General Manager. Upon entering the Power Plant Room you hear the sounds of the engines that keep this complex ‘city’ running smoothly after nearly 40 years. Standing among these huge pipes and engines, one immediately understands the enormous responsibility of Sal Castro, Chief Engineer, and his staff who are all licensed engineers. The Plant Room is staffed 24hours seven days a week and even though Mr. Castro does go home ‘occasionally’ he is able to monitor the entire operation from his home. Talk about dedication! Mr. Kotowski has great knowledge about the workings of the Power Plant Room and was able to explain to us laypersons how our drinking water comes into the buildings, how the chimney seen on top of Building Two is cleaned, how the engines work and so much more. We left feeling quite impressed with our tour and assured that we are in Great Hands with Mr. Kotowski as General Manager of North Shore Towers. -- Felice Hannah, Board Member

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