Before, During And After
In the days Before Covid, masks,
gloves and sanitizers were sel-dom
on anyone’s mind. Now,
During Covid, they’ve taken on a
whole new dimension.
Who wore a mask?
The Lone Ranger did. It was
attractive, and covered his eyes
and the top part of his nose.
However, he could breathe and
say, “Hi, Ho Silver!” in a loud,
unmuffled voice.
Kids on Halloween did. Even if
it was a whole face mask, some-how
or other they were able to
say, “Trick or Treat!” in a way
that everyone understood. Then
they quickly unmasked in order
to gobble up their goodies.
Crooks did. “Hand the money
over!” said with a gun pointing at
the victims, left no doubt as to what
was being said, muffled or not.
I have a secret to tell you. When
I reached a certain age, my laugh
lines stayed on my face long after
I stopped laughing. I
thought this wasn’t fair.
If I were a man, I could
grow a beard to cover
them. As a woman I
must have used every
cream on the planet to
make them disappear.
Of course, they nev-er
did. Now, During
Covid, I can wear a
fashionable mask, one
for each outfit, and no
one knows what lurks
behind it. Of course, I
can’t breathe, eat or say,
“Tuna on rye,” in a loud,
unmuffled voice, but it’s
a small price to pay.
Who wore gloves? In
the winter we all wore
wool or leather gloves
to keep warm. Gardeners, and
people who worked outdoors,
wore serviceable work gloves.
Doctors, nurses, and dentists
wore medical grade gloves. People
like me wore rubber gloves while
washing the dishes so we wouldn’t
spoil our manicures.
Now, we who are NOT working
outside, freezing from the cold,
performing medical procedures
or washing dishes, walk around
masked and latex-gloved to shop,
push elevator buttons
and perform all the
mundane tasks of
daily living.
Sanitizers were the
clean little secret that
germophobes car-ried
in their purses.
Whenever they sat
down to eat or touch
unfamiliar surfaces,
they sprayed their
hands to the derisive
laughter of others.
Now, we all spray
our hands, countless
times a day, for count-less
reasons, and in
countless places, and
no one laughs.
We see that cus-toms
change accord-ing
to the times. I wonder what the
rage, After Covid, will be. I hope it
comes quickly, so that we can look
back and say in loud, unmuffled
voices, “We got through this,” and
never go back again!
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