Hadassah Migdal Chapter’s Monthly Simcha Column:
Off to a Good Start!
The Migdal Chapter of NST
wishes Mazel Tov to those
Grandparents from the NST
community who have so graciously
sent in donations to Hadassah to
share their Simchas with friends
and neighbors. We are pleased to
present the Simchas we’ve already
received since announcing this
column just last month.
• Marcia and Bernard
Jacobson are “Over the
Moon” excited for the
engagement of their
Grandson Daniel Weissman
to Erica Klein. Wishing them
happiness always.
• Second donation from the
Jacobsons: The Jacobsons
are also celebrating won-derful
news from Bernie’s
oncologist, Dr. Jagannath,
of Mt. Sinai Hospital.
• Judy Wachs in honor of her
Granddaughter Miriam’s
marriage to Marc Adelberg.
Due to CDC guidelines,
they were married in their
parents’ backyard.
• Gloria Beck wishes her twin
Grandsons Jared and Max
Weinstein every happiness
and success on their high
school graduation and entry
to college.
• Dee-Dee Goidel is cele-brating
her Granddaughter
Emma’s college graduation
and career entry. “May the
world be her oyster.”
• Zona Schreiber celebrates
her Great Grandson’s intro-duction
to the wonders of a
first grade virtual classroom
• Bern Rosenthal shares her
blessing that Granddaughter
Julie is engaged and will be
married this September in
Annapolis MD. Bern added
that she is pleased to have
this Simcha column as an
outlet to share her happiness.
“Tzedakah” has been the way for
generations we and our families
have demonstrated our desire to
share our mitzvahs. I am sure as a
child you recall putting coins into
what is called “pushkey” (metal
box). Those donations helped to
build a country out of an arid land.
And out of that land, Hadassah
volunteer chapters helped to
build a Hadassah Hospital with a
renowned Research Center which
provides mankind with their
Simchas of medical achievements
every day.
Remember the old Levy’s Rye
Bread slogan? You don’t have to
be Jewish--or a Hadassah member-
-to send us your donation to have a
celebratory message printed in the
North Shore Towers Courier.
To send a Simcha donation, make
your check of any amount payable
to Hadassah. Place in an envelope
with your name, phone and apart-ment
Remember to include a person-al
one to two line message which
should include occasion that is
being acknowledged. Please know
that only your message will be print-ed;
your donation is confidential.
Leave your envelope clearly print-ed
with your name and apartment at
Building 2 concierge desk addressed
to Dee-Dee Goidel Bldg. 2 Apt. 29N.
Attention Zoombies!
The Migdal Chapter of Hadassah Presents…
OCTOBER 28, 2 P.M.
Arlene Augen-braun
and Bern
Rosenthal, the
Book Group’s dedicated
co-leaders, will discuss
a previously assigned
book, “The Only Woman
in the Room” by Maria
Benedict. It is a biograph-ical
novel about Hedy
Lamar. The story reveals
how fascinating her life
was. She was known to
be one of the most beau-tiful
actresses of her time.
However, she was much
more than that, with a
hidden past and talent
that will surprise you.
Due to the pandemic
guidelines, Migdal has
planned to resume its
Book Discussion Group
via Zoom. All Migdal
Hadassah members are
welcome to attend if they
register as early as possible
since Zooming limits our
attendance capacity.
It is important to follow
the following steps:
1.Migdal members
must send their email
address to Judy Paris,
Migdal’s “Zoom expert,”
at judyparis@twc.com by
October 18.
2.Judy will then send
you an invitation to join
the Zoom book discus-sion.
She will provide you
with instructions. If you
need further help you can
call her at 718-819-8293.
3.You can Zoom on a
computer, iPad and or
smartphone (iPhone or
Android) as long as you
have an email.
4.If you are not cur-rently
a member of the
Migdal Chapter, you can
contact Marcia Jacobson,
membership chair, at 718-
631-1067 to join.
Migdal is looking for-ward
to sharing this pro-gram
with our Zoombie
members on Wednesday,
October 28, 2020 at
2:00 p.m.
Hadassah Migdal Chapter 995 Special
Musicale: Judy Greenberg & Family
Ku d o s
to Judy
Gre en-berg
and her
f ami l y for
providing the
Migdal Chapter
and NST com-munity
an enchanting
musicale that
was broadcast
l-r: -Sharon, Larry, Judy, Shayna and
on Channel 995
Max Greenberg
in September.
If you recall, the article describing her program was an-nounced
in last month’s newspaper--however, the surprise
performers who joined her were not.
Judy’s musicale became a family affair. Her son Laurence,
an attorney, is also an accomplished singer, and he sere-naded
us with some nostalgic songs: “If I Were A Rich
Man” from “Fiddler”; “Eli, Eli”; “HineyMa Tov” and
“Ainu Malkeynu.” Making Grandma Judy proud were
granddaughter Shayna, 13, who sang “Matchmaker”
from “Fiddler” and grandson Max, 12, who sang “Hevenu
Shalom Albychem” and “Hatitikvah.”
If a remake of “The Sound of Music” is ever done,
they should look for the Greenberg family! Thank you,
Greenberg family, for bringing a program of joy into our
lives when we all needed it most.