

Marilyn Salzman and Al Fuchs: A PERFECT MELD North Shore Towers Courier n October 2013 29 In the card game Canasta, a meld is a combination of like cards. In everyday English, a meld is a merger or blend. For Al Fuchs, an experienced Canasta teacher, and veteran of an 11-year continuous Tuesday night men’s Canasta game, linking up with Marilyn Salzman was a perfect meld. The marriage of this merger took place last October. The next day, Superstorm Sandy struck and their honeymoon plans that involved air travel were put on hold. While waiting for the storm to abate and plane travel to resume, they stayed in their apartment and among other things played Canasta. It was a new game for Salzman who Fuchs had taught several months prior. Brooklyn born Fuchs attended Madison High School, entered the Air Force with 10 of his friends and then graduated from Brooklyn College. He said those were the best years of his life until he met Salzman. He worked on Wall Street for many years in computer systems management and then he started his career working for New York City. He ultimately retired after working as Director Deputy Commissioner in three city agencies (Department of Environmental Protection, Parking Violations and Board of Elections), under Mayors Koch and Giuliani. For many years Fuchs lived on Staten Island, and now that he lives at North Shore Towers he wants to engage men like himself who are retired, may or may not be married and want to get involved in activities of interest to men. For Fuchs this is a “no brainer, we need a Men’s Club.” He came up with a list of possible events ranging from activities like going to ball games, to fishing, to movies and dinner. An organizational meeting took place on Thursday, September 12 in the Coleridge Lounge. Men who missed out can still get information by contacting Fuchs at afuchs98@ aol.com. Salzman has been described as a “dynamo” because of her boundless energy and the leadership role she assumes in all her endeavors. Originally from the Bronx, she went to Queens College and majored in Economics. She was a securities analyst on Wall Street, became involved with the intellectually gifted program in the New York City school system and then decided to go to law school. Now, 28 years later, she practices in both Florida and New York. She specializes in Wills, Trusts and Estates in Florida and actively does Arbitrations and Mediations in New York. This doesn’t keep this Building 3 resident from taking advantage of what NST has to offer. She is on the Board of the Ladies Golf Association, and came in second place with her partner, Norma Grill, in the tennis Ladies Doubles after 40 years of not playing. In Florida she is a Condo Board member and people have been urging her to run for the Towers’ Board. Both Salzman and Fuchs now run classes for new Canasta players, couples and singles. Country Club members can leave a note with Mary Anne Langone, the Manager, if they want more details. Fortunately for NST, this melded couple want to give back to the complex that has afforded them so many good times, including the Friday night Happy Hour, which they seldom miss. By FRED CHERNOW Mark Green, Men’s Club Champion Tennis Closing Event

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