

North Shore Towers Courier n September 2016 33 Lifetime Income for Retirement. And an even greater outcome for Israel, science and education. Learn why Ruth chose her plan. See a video profi le: afhu.org/cga3 Sample AFHU Hebrew University Gift Annuity Single-Life Rates Age Rate 67 6.2% 70 6.5% 75 7.1% 80 8.0% 85 9.5% 90 11.3% Rates are calculated based on a single life. Cash contributions produce annuity payments that are substantially tax-free. CALL OR EMAIL NOW. The returns are generous. The cause is priceless. For information on AFHU Hebrew University Gift Annuities, please call AFHU Northeast Region Executive Director, Suzanne Ponsot at (212) 607-8511 or email: [email protected] One Battery Park Plaza, 25th Floor New York, NY 10004 • 800-567-AFHU (2348) afhu.org/CGA3 The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Research engine for the world. Engine of growth for a nation.

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