

NST Men’s Club By Paul Nettler Our July meeting, which was attended by about 50 members had a very different flavor. In lieu of a speaker we decided to have a “Meet and Greet” format. It was an opportunity to get to socialize with each other on a more personal basis. We sat around the bridge tables and schmoozed over coffee and Danish, getting to know our fellow members to whom previously we might have just smiled and nodded as we passed them in the halls. The microphone was passed around and we all had the opportunity to tell a little bit about ourselves and why we like living in North Shore Towers. The business part of our meeting featured a discussion of a significant change in the Club’s policy on eligibility for admission. In the past, it was required that the applicant be a member of the Country Club. Under the new rule that requirement will be waived. Every male resident of North Shore Towers will be welcomed into the club. The members in attendance overwhelmingly approved this change to our Charter which will be re-written and voted upon at our next meeting on August 14th. In view of this change, .if you are not a country club member and wish to join, please contact our Treasurer, Leo Tujak at leotxrx@ gmail.com or our President, Al Fuchs at [email protected]. At our meeting on August 14th we will once again have a NST resident speak. He is Joe Reveman who will tell us about his experience as a radio operator flying 24 missions on a B-17 Flying Fortress during World War II. Joe made a film about his exploits which he will show. It will offer us a rare first person account of flying in one of the world’s most famous bombers. It’s sure to keep us on the edge of our seats. In view of the above, if anyone has any unique experiences like Joe’s or special skills or history, or interests, we would love to have you as a guest speaker. If interested, please contact our Events Committee Chairman, Arnie Rabinowitz at [email protected]. Or at 516-317-6705. The month of August is shaping up to be a busy month for our members. There will be a Texas Hold Em Tournament on August 4th, an Atlantic City Casino trip on August 19th, a Comedy Club night at Piccola Busola in Mineola on August 21st, and a trip to a Brooklyn Cyclones baseball game with lunch at Gargiulios beforehand on August 24th. A bingo night is planned for August 28th. In addition, we will present the Men’s Club version of the Newly Wed Game on September 4th. Four NST couples, who are not so newlywed, will compete. Due to the nature of the questions, no one under 18 will be admitted. If you are interested in participating in any of these events, please contact Arnie Rabinowitz as noted above. Also, members should save the evening of October 7th for our Year End Dinner at the Swan Club. The cost will be most reasonable and will include unlimited amounts of any beverage of your choice. The Men’s Club is raising money for the American Cancer Society. If you would care to donate to the ACS through the Men’s Club, please drop off your check made out to the American Cancer Society with the Concierge in Building 3 to the attention of Leo Tujak, apartment 7A. NEWS FROM THE TOWERS Knit & Crochet Club Recently we have been asked to teach people how to knit and crochet.in response to these requests, we will offer both beginner and refresher courses. There will be a nominal charge in order to defray the costof yarn and needles. All checks made out to the knitting club are tax deductible. Our classes will be held on Thursday evening in the large card room. If you are interested, please call Judi Ross at 347-235-4509. We look forward to welcoming newcomers to our meetings. 40 North Shore Towers Courier n August 2014

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