

North Shore Towers Courier n August 2014 13 are bringing in players and spectators,” Kotowski adds. “It’s all created a shortage. Thirty-five spots behind the Towers restaurant that have out of circulations due to the power plant upgrade are about to come free, he says, which should help ease the squeeze. The space dilemma cannot be solved by expanding the facilities or reshuffling the assignments, says the coop’s management. “During the warm weather months, parking becomes a premium at North Shore Towers,” Kotowski wrote in memo to residents not long ago. “”With so many additional visitors to our community, it is extremely important that our residents only park their vehicle within their assigned spot. As residents, you may not use the Visitor’s Parking Lot. “Obviously, a community as large as ours requires ample space for visiting friends and family, not to mention parking space needed for our employees, domestics, outside contractors and non-resident members of our Country Club,” he said. “To alleviate some of the volume, vehicles have been redirected to our West Gate area and the area adjacent to and behind Building Three. “Please be considerate to those who need the public spaces by not parking your vehicle anywhere other than your assigned spot. We need your cooperation to ensure that everyone wishing to visit is welcomed with a place to park.” “The majority of residents follow the rules,” says Carmiciano. “But there a few who think they’re special and do what they want to do.” The problem, he says, is that – with just 250 spots outdoors – “it doesn’t take many of those people to make things difficult. If we had a thousand spots, it wouldn’t be a problem. But we don’t.” Some people believe it is necessary to create a pay lot somewhere outdoors for visitors – encouraging the Arcade businesses to sponsor parking for their outside clients (as when merchants validate parking). Others want to see a strict towing program go into effect for illegal parkers. “There’s no free lunch on this,” says Carmiciano. “Success will be if we can do leave everyone with threequarters of a smile,” Teitelbaum says. ” “We are shy somewhere between 300 and 400 spaces.” - Board member Howard Teitelbaum

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