

38 North Shore Towers Courier n July 2015 A CLUB FOR US New WOMEN’S CLUB takes flight BY STEPHEN VRATTOS Any doubt as to whether a Women’s Club would have legs at North Shore Towers were quickly put to rest on Tuesday evening, June 16, the date of the new club’s inaugural meeting. Women streamed into the Coleridge Lounge, packing the room long before the 7pm start time, all excited by the prospect of a social club just for them. Moderator Claire Levitan who, with Roberta Gould, June Cooperstone, Eva Kessner, Iris LeWinter and Vicki Mazel, organized the meeting, were overwhelmed and pleased by the positive response. They’d only just decided to start the club a week prior, and the originally-scheduled date for the founding get-together had to be changed last minute when they realized it would be falling amid the festivities of the coop’s 40th Anniversary celebration weekend, a monumental event they did not wish to compete with. “This club will be instrumental in letting you know your value as women at North Shore Towers,” said Levitan, before pointing out that she was not the club’s leader. The club wouldn’t have a predominant leader, but rather be led by committee. Groups of interested volunteer members would form to oversee particular events. “There will be no chairmen, no bosses…” assured Levitan. LeWinter spoke of the club’s intensions: Panel discussions and speakers talking on issues, such as family, loneliness, health careers, even “sex and the lives of seniors;” travel programs to points of interest in the area; volunteerism in local school, hospitals, reading programs and libraries; but most importantly to serve as a support group to members during difficult times. Gould received overwhelming applause when she stressed that the NST Women’s Club is “an apolitical social club” and “will not involve itself in any Towers politics.” The discerning group also seemed pleased when Gould spoke of the Club’s intention to form a one-on-one welcoming committee for incoming female residents. Volunteer Club members would serve as “buddies,” helping new female residents acclimate to North Shore Towers—inform them to where everything is, what social clubs and amenities are available to them, etc.—and build friendships. A “North Shore Towers South” branch of the club is already in the works for “Snowbird” members who travel to Florida over the cold winter months to compliment the home-based faction, which will remain active during the season when NST is at its quietest and residents are starved for activities and camaraderie. JOIN US! Fred Chernow, author, educator, and present board member will speak on the topic “Good Sleep Habits to Ensure Better Memory.” Chernow’s book on the subject deals with developing techniques and skills for greater creativity and a keener mind. The Women’s Club is currently forming committees for programs, projects and trips for the future planned by our cadre of member volunteers. Photos by Stephen Vrattos Claire Levitan opens the proceedings. Eva Kessner addresses the crowd; Iris LeWinter is seated far left; Roberta Gould stands left and Claire Levitan stands right. The newly formed North Shore Towers Women’s Club is launching their first program on Thursday, July 16th, at 4:00 pm in the Coleridge Lounge of Building #3. ANNUAL DUES OF $25 WILL BE COLLECTED AT THE MEETING. Checks payable to North Shore Towers Women’s Club. Questions? Call Roberta Gould, 718 224-4388

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