

Women’s Club Happenings 34 North Shore Towers Courier n May 2016 NST Women’S Club Review—Rhyme In Time BY VICKI MAZEL NST WOMEN’S CLUB How can YOU get involved? Contact JULIE WEISSMAN at 718 423-3017 Photos by Dawn Steinberg APRIL: Beyond Downton Abbey On April 13th, the Women’s Club hosted a program on the popular TV series, led by Marilyn Carminio, noted publisher and former assistant to Helen Gurley Brown. The well-attended meeting traced the emergence of the upper crust from the Knickerbockers in New York, to its societal counterparts on the other side of the Atlantic. Ms. Carminio highlighted the mores, traditions, rules and leaders from the 1870’s through 1910. For all you Abbey fans, take heart. There is talk of a followup series being developed! Who knows what gossip lurks behind the potted palms in the VIP room? THE FUTURE: MARK YOUR CALENDARS What’s coming up for the Women’s Club? MAY MAY MINGLE: A “Tribute to Spring” luncheon will be held at the Jolly Fisherman in Roslyn on Wednesday, May 18th, at noon, with entertainment by Michael Dos Santos. Luncheon is $20 per person. As of now, there is a full house. Early re-enrollment for membership will take place. Our second year begins on July 1, 2016, and dues are $25. JUNE LUNCH BUNCH: Members will meet for this popular event at Buffy’s on Thursday, June 2, at 11:30 a.m. for an informal discussion in an atmosphere of warmth and friendship. Membership can also be renewed at this time. For reservations, call Chickie Kaufman at 718-819-8176 or Sylvia Landau at 718-229-3293 On Thursday, June 16th, spend a fascinating evening with Barbara Goldstein, LCSW, who will share a special experience with us. She will be speaking on “A MEETING IN AMSTERDAM: MY FRIENDSHIP WITH ANN FRANK’S FATHER.” You won’t want to miss this program to be held in the downstairs card room at 7:30 pm. JULY - DUES DUE ON THE FIRST Please include your name, address, and apt, number on your check of $25. On a separate card, include name, address, telephone number, email address and Florida number, if applicable. New resident? A member of our Welcome Committee will be available to make your move as smooth as possible. For questions about libraries, post office, hardware stores, MTA cards and many more helpful hints, please call: Chickie Kaufman at 718-819-8176. And remember: Look for the Yellow Rose announcements in your mailroom for more information on future events. Our program committee has a full roster of events coming up. You won’t want to miss them. Stay tuned. What are we doing and what have we done? The Women’s Club has lots of fun. JUNE: we launched our initial greeting. JULY: Fred Chernow kicked off the meeting. Things would go well; we had a hunch, AUGUST: “Getting to Know You” brunch. More events, and for our fall start… SEPTEMBER, a museum to view some art. Lunches continued, ’twas a happy scene, Full house at Towers on the Green. OCTOBER’s speaker kept us in the loop, Advice ’bout stress to an overflow group. NOVEMBER sated our movie seekers, With Philip Harwood, film buff speaker. Closed 2015 and things were swinging, With a gala party of dancing and singing. JANUARY arrived and we kept exploring, With Terry Rabinowitz, never boring. She counseled on how to feel less tense, And spotlighted issues of confidence. FEBRUARY we addressed how to stay fit, With Yuliya Daveydova, physical therapist. MARCH we planned an interesting bill, But had to cancel—our speaker was ill. APRIL our programs was not too shabby, Marilyn Carminio on Downton Abbey. MAY’s the month your spine will tingle, It’s Jolly Fisherman for our May Mingle. More to come, don’t sing the blues. Make it happen and pay your dues. Join us and stay in the hub. Camaraderie with your Women’s Club. Gettin’ Downton with Marilyn Carminio “Tribute to Spring” luncheon will convene at the Jolly Fisherman in Roslyn The Women’s Club’s previous “Lunch Brunch” was a great success Anne Frank will be the focus of the talk on Thursday, June 16

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