

18 North Shore Towers Courier n May 2016 Migdal Chapter of HADDASAH at North Shore Towers presents... CARE GIVING Award-winning author of book on healthcare and caregiving for older adults to speak at Hadassah open meeting BY LILLY COHEN On Wednesday, May 18, at 7:30 p.m. in the large card room by the Towers Cinema entrance, Migdal/HADASSAH will host Marcy Houle, MS, co-author of “The Gift of Caring: Saving Our Parents from the Perils of Modern Health Care,” which she wrote with Elizabeth Eckstrom, MD, MPH. Houle and Dr. Eckstrom’s book is one of ten books chosen to receive the Christopher Award for “work that affirms the highest values of the human spirit,” on May 19 in New York City. “The Gift of Caring” is part memoir and part handbook. Houle, who comes from a medical family, is a biologist and award-winning author. While taking care of her physician father, who had Alzheimer’s, and later of her sick mother, over a 14-year period, she kept a detailed log of their daily problems, physical and mental health challenges and caregiving concerns. She also recorded the difficulties presented by a health care system not always attuned to the care of older people. Mrs. Houle wrote the “memoir” chapters of the book. Dr. Eckstrom, a nationally recognized geriatrician, public health advocate and author wrote the alternate chapters. They offer a professional perspective and practical advice on many of the issues related to the care of older patients. Dr. Eckstrom was the geriatrician featured January 26 in a two-page New York Times story about a hole in the health care system due to a shortage of geriatricians. Reading “The Gift of Caring” is an empowering experience for the middle-aged children of older adults, who often advocate for their parents, and for older adults themselves, since it offers concrete problem-solving perspectives. Given increased longevity and a rapidly expanding older adult population, the book also offers health care professionals and policy makers a compelling rationale for increased geriatric education. What is a geriatrician? A geriatrician is a physician already certified in internal medicine or family medicine, who has completed a specialized fellowship in the care of older adults. What the reviewers have said: “‘The Gift of Caring’ provides extremely practical advice, which serves as a wonderful roadmap to a better way of caring for older adults in America. I cannot recommend it highly enough.” –Rachelle Bernacki, MD, MS, Professor, Harvard School of Medicine “‘The Gift of Caring’ is the most important book on this topic in years. It is a book that should be required reading for anyone entering the field of gerontology, whether they are researchers or clinicians or any of you who are caring for a family member or might be in the future—in other words, practically everyone.” –Steven Zarit, PhD, Distinguished Professor, Pennsylvania State University “‘The Gift of Caring’ helps us assure the best possible care for ourselves and our loved one’s final chapter. This book is a gift.” –Jennie Chin Hansen, former CEO of the American Geriatrics Society and past president of AARP “This is a book for everyone—if not this moment, then eventually… Reading this might be the best preventive medicine you can find.” – The Oregonian’s October 2015 book review The Christopher Awards Since 1945, the Christopher Awards have been handed out annually to authors, illustrators, screenwriters, producers and directors, whose work “affirms the highest values of the human spirit.” The Christophers is a nonprofit organization rooted in the Judeo-Christian tradition of service to God and humanity. Its awards program is guided by the ancient Chinese proverb “It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.” Marcy Houle, MS Elizabeth Eckstrom, MD, MPH MAY – JUNE HADASSAH CALENDAR Wednesday, May 18, at 7:30 p.m Author, Marcy Houle, “The Gift of Caring” large card room, below Arcade, Building 2. Wednesday, June 1, at 2:00 p.m Migdal Book Club, “Night in Shanghai” by Nicole Mones, Coleridge Lounge, Building 3. Thursday, June 9, at 11:30 a.m. Annual Spring Luncheon and Card Party, Towers on the Green, in the Arcade, Building 2. Information, call Roz: (718) 279-1270.

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