Cogito ergo sum – “I think
therefore I am.” -One’s existence
is demonstrated by the fact that
one thinks. Rene Descartes was
not thinking of me when he wrote
and explained this philosophical
principle. At this moment, I’m not
prepared to “wax philosophical”
with you. I’m just glad I can spell
the word philosophical and to be
able to use wax and philosophical
together in a sentence. It almost
makes the tuition bills for my college
education justifiable.
Like many people, sometimes
I have a tendency to over think,
and on occasion don’t think at
all. Both situations can sometimes
create problems. No action vs too
much action. Right now, with the
stress of COVID-19 there’s too
much to think about and unfortunately
sometimes it’s too easy
to shoot from the lip and pay the
consequences later. That’s not my
style. If anything, I’m trying to be
careful. Lately there’s too much
time to play with and I’d rather be
exhausted from doing too much
than being bored from doing too
little. What’s the compromise?
I’ve turned my thoughts to funny
thinks. It’s not as easy as it sounds
but I work at it and it keeps me in
a positive mood. It may be silly, but
I’d rather cry with tears of laughter
than sorrowful ones. It’s like a
diet menu. Eat all you want of the
good food and it will not affect you
adversely. It stands to reason that if
you think all you want of the good
stuff it will not affect you adversely
either. One diet of good food keeps
you healthy and strong physically,
the other diet of good thinks keeps
you healthy and strong mentally.
So, I’m giving you the benefit of
my research and how it helps me
try to stay tuned to good thinks.
These are my recent top dozen
finds of good thinks. The euphoria
that visited me afterwards allowed
me to conclude laughter and positive
thinks are a diet I can endure.
No pain and no sacrifice involved.
The only thinks I’m giving up are
the negative ones. For example, I
love chocolate, white chocolate in
Gloria’s Favorite THINKS
1. People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing all day! – Anonymous (I’ve almost perfected doing nothing. Soon my couch will have
my tush print embedded in it. How many times can you rotate the cushions and pillows?)
2. Lazy is such an ugly word. I prefer to call it selective participation. - Anonymous (Call it what you want. But you have to know how to
spell it.)
3. I had an extremely busy day connecting oxygen to carbon dioxide. – Anonymous (Isn’t that another way to describe breathing? High
school science class finally paid off.)
4. I never forget a face, but in your case, I’ll make an exception. – Groucho Marx (I wish my cataracts would kick in already.)
5. Wisdom is nothing more than healed pain. – Anonymous (I must be brilliant. I hurt everywhere.)
6. Did I piss you off bad enough to not talk to me anymore? If not let me know. I have lots more. – Anonymous (That’s true!)
7. When we talk to God we’re praying. When God talks to us we’re schizophrenic. – Jane Wagner (Does that mean there are no agnostics
that are schizophrenic?)
8. The first time I sang in the church choir, 200 people changed their religion. - Fred Allen (I did better than that at my synagogue. There’s
a person at the door that doesn’t let me in. Wait! Why is that happening? We don’t even have a choir.)
9. I drink to make other people more interesting. – Ernest Hemingway (I tried it. It doesn’t help!)
10. One tequila, 2 tequila, 3 tequila, floor. – George Carlin (Now I know to bring a pillow.)
11. Be careful about reading health food books. You might die of a misprint. – Mark Twain (I personally use them as a doorstop.)
12. My doctor told me that jogging could add years to my life. I think he was right. I feel ten years older already. Milton Berle (Jogging…isn’t
that a slower form of running? Are you kidding? I’m glad I can walk.) 16 NORTH SHORE TOWERS COURIER ¢ April 2021