This song was written almost
75 years ago and guess what,
it could have been written a
thousand years ago. The message is
clear. You can always count on the
sun in the morning and the moon
at night. You ask about a rainy day?
Well it’s sunny somewhere. Sunny
is good. Aside from weather, it
can be descriptive of
many things such as a
cheerful personality,
and for me it always
boils down to food. I
happen to love sunny
side up eggs. On
my last trip I almost
had to make the eggs
myself. No one seemed
to understand sunny
side up, but fried eggs
finally had some resonance
with the chef.
Lately, we’re not
always sure if we can
count on today being
symbolically sunny
or the same or better
than yesterday or a
tomorrow that will
be better, but as the song says, for
sure we can always count on “the
sun in the morning and the moon
at night.” Sometimes, we need
to be reminded to look forward
to each day and to enjoy what
comes in between - daybreak and
nightfall. It’s not an easy task, but
do we have something better to do
than invest in ourselves? Think!
A better me makes a better you.
Your friends and family and all
who you encounter will be better
off when you exude the positivity
that’s right there. I’d like to say,
spread it around like a good virus.
No doctor or medicine required.
The ingredients for this antidote
are a good attitude and laugh or a
smile. Unfortunately, no hugs are
allowed, although you can elbow
bump or tush bump. Not being
able to feel the warmth or touch
of another person can be disconcerting,
but in being creative we
can find an acceptable substitute.
I’ll take a chocolate kiss for now!
If you really love me, a piece of
The other day it was a little brisk
but the sun was shining. In front
of a nearby building I saw a small
group of people sitting with blankets
on their laps and chatting amiably.
I felt so happy for them. Virus
or no virus, they found a safe and
creative way to be in touch with
each other. As a matter of fact, I see
them quite often and love the sight
of their togetherness. Do they realize
it’s as important for them to get
together as it is for me to find them
in the same place every time I leave
my building to go for a walk? How
they manage to sit together for so
long amazes me. Porta-potty anyone?
Another thing, our flagpole
has become a landmark meeting
place. I’ll meet you by the flagpole
is a cry of joy for those wanting
to meet their friends for a walk
or a talk. It’s kind of like in the
olden days when people
would meet where the corners of
Hollywood and Vine intersected.
Who didn’t know that? The other
day there was such a (socially distanced)
group of people waiting
for their friends at the flagpole that
we now should think which side to
meet at - north, south east or west.
I’m thinking of carrying a bright
colored shmatta to wave in the air.
You can’t miss that!
So, I met with two besties the
other day and went on an inaugural
walking trip up and around
the back of the Towers. Wow!
It was like being in the country.
Lots of trees, lots of foliage, and
lots of paths to follow. So scenic!
There’s every kind of trail. Maybe
the trails should be labeled like
the trails I used to ski?
Easy, intermediate and
challenging. No snow
moguls here, just the
challenge of grassy
hills. On the top of
a snowy mountain,
I felt so at peace and
on top of the grassy
knolls a similar feeling.
Ah! Peace! Calmness!
Tranquility! Whatever
you want to call it or
describe how you feel.
It’s absolutely fantastic.
There is a little pond
back there. I don’t
know if it’s man-made
or natural, but the
reflections you can
see there of the sky and
trees and our North Shore Towers
buildings are indescribable. Aside
from the beauty of nature that puts
an indelible smile on my face and
the fact I was sharing this all with
wonderful friends absolutely made
my day. I didn’t have to drive anywhere.
It didn’t cost me money. It
didn’t take intensive planning, but I
was exhilarated by this experience.
I can’t believe this little treasure
has been here all the 11 years I’m
living at the Towers but how come
I didn’t discover it until now?
Maybe because I don’t play golf?
Is it the golfers’ little secret? I’m
so envious! We are quite limited
in so many ways to enjoy ourselves
safely, but this is right here for the
taking. Aside from the physical
beauty, the peace it brought to
me mentally and the effort of how
walking challenged me in a good
way physically, I can’t thank my
good fortune enough to be here at
North Shore Towers.
Winter is upon us and our
options for spending our waking
hours will become even more constrained.
As a teacher I never went
to work without a lesson plan. As a
human being I owe it to myself to
have a lesson plan for living successfully
during this most challenging
time we are encountering at this
moment. It’s not impossible. Think
about it. All you have to do is get
up! Have breakfast. Do something!
Have lunch. Talk on the phone.
Do something and then talk on
the phone again. Take a walk; your
pace depends on how far or how
long you want to move around.
Avoid the news (too depressing).
Make dinner or order dinner in.
Eat dinner. Talk on the phone or
to yourself. Maybe Zoom or email
if you’re so inclined; watch a good
old movie or a good new movie.
Shower. Go to bed. Wake up
at 3am. Oy! Wait, that’s me I’m
describing! Read for 2-3 hours.
Talk to Alexa the robot. We’re
becoming better acquainted. She
now calls me Gloria. Wrestle with
your pillow and try to go back to
sleep. At 9 am answer a phone call
which is probably someone telling
you that a warranty on your
Bentley is up or that someone
hacked your checking account for
one dollar five minutes ago or it’s
time to book and take advantage
of a month long cruise offering
because your cruise insurance is
about to expire in two days.
If you want to leave your apartment
for more than 10 minutes,
then I recommend wearing two
masks, a shield, protective gloves
and take along antiseptic liquids. I
do that just to go to the compactor
room, which is across the hall. To
go for your mail, add a sweater, a
scarf, gloves, boots and a down
jacket. These additional things are
just in case you want to take a walk
around the block.
Take care. Stay safe.
Love you,
“Taking stock of what I have and what I haven’t
What do I find? The things I got will keep me satisfied
Checking up on what I have and what I haven’t
What do I find? A healthy balance on the credit side.
Got no diamonds, got no pearls
Still I think I’m a lucky girl
I’ve got the sun in the morning and the moon and night……….”