Hadassah Migdal Chapter of NST January Simcha Shout-Out
This is the first Simcha Shout-
Out for 2021--and it is quite
unique. A two-prong donation
to Hadassah was given recently
for a non-celebratory event!
NST residents Lois and Stuart
Rubinstein donated recently in
gratitude to Iris Littman and
Karen Perry. Lois and Stuart
say, “Thank you both for your
kindness and caring.”
It is gratifying to know that
whatever good deeds were performed
by Iris and Karen, they
were not taken for granted. As
demonstrated here and in previous
issues of the Courier, the
Simcha column can provide a
venue for sharing.
“Tzedakah” has been the
way for generations we and our
families have demonstrated our
desire to share our mitzvahs.
I am sure as a child you recall
putting coins into what is called
“pushkey” (metal box). Those
donations helped to build a
country out of an arid land.
And out of that land, Hadassah
volunteer chapters helped to
build a Hadassah Hospital with
a renowned Research Center
which provides mankind with
their Simchas of medical
achievements every day.
Remember the old Levy’s
Rye Bread slogan? You
don’t have to be Jewish--or
a Hadassah member--to send
us your donation and have
your message printed in the
North Shore Towers Courier.
To send a Simcha donation,
make your check of
any amount payable to
Hadassah. Place in an envelope
with your name, phone
and apartment number.
Remember to include a
personal one to two line
message which should
include occasion that is
being acknowledged. Please
know that only your message
will be printed; your donation
is confidential.
Leave your envelope clearly
printed with your name
and apartment at Building
2 concierge desk addressed
to Dee-Dee Goidel Bldg. 2
Apt. 29N.
Memorial Certificates
Migdal has always sent and will continue to send certificates in
memory of a family member or friend. Please leave your donation
in any amount with the Concierge in Building 2 addressed to
Roz Chumsky, Bldg. 3, Apt. 29E. Phone: 718-279-1270
Attention Migdal Zoombies!
Let’s begin the New Year 2021
with a burst of enthusiasm! The
Migdal Executive Board of NST
has planned two events for your
Zooming pleasure.
Thursday, January 14, 2:00 pm
The first event is a Zoom Movie
Matinee, “The Rape of Europa,”
at 2:00pm on Thursday, January
14. The film is based on a book
by Lynn H. Nicholas. It is a documentary
account which covers the
Nazis’ theft of Europe’s cultural
masterpieces. The movie reveals
the Allied efforts to return the
masterpieces. The story is still
playing out contentiously and
emotionally, as art is recovered
and heirs sue for restitution.
Can a culture survive if its art is
wiped out?
Wednesday, January 27, 2:00 pm
The second event of the January
Double Header is the previously
mentioned Book Discussion
Group in Wednesday January
27. Arlene Augenbraun and
Bern Rosenthal, co-leaders have
chosen to discuss “Lake on Fire”
by Rosellen Brown. The story
takes place during the late 19th
Century. The plot deals with the
fate of an adventurous sister and
her brilliant younger brother as
they leave their poor Jewish community
in Wisconsin to seek their
fortune in booming Chicago.
How to Join the Zoom Meeting
Follow the steps below. Please
note that you can register for one
or both events at the same time.
Migdal members must send
their email address to Judy
Paris, Migdal’s “Zoom expert,”
at judyparis@twc.com by January
10 or earlier.
Judy will then send you an
invitation to join the Zoom book
discussion. She will provide you
with instructions. If you need
further help you can call her at
You can Zoom on a computer,
iPad and or smartphone (iPhone
or Android) as long as you have
an email.
If you are not currently a member
of the Migdal Chapter, you
can contact Marcia Jacobson,
membership chair, at 718-631-
1067 to join.
Hadassah Migdal Chapter Presents
A January Double Header