Just because you can’t do what you’ve
always done, doesn’t mean that you can’t
do wonderful things. This is my motto at My clients are people
who may be challenged in some way or whose
life work is just not the same as what they
thought it would be. Now more than ever,
many of us fall into this category. Since these
articles have been read, other people have
told me their stories. This month’s interview is
someone really close to me, my brother.
Richard Berson
Caryn: In 2008, after a long career as upper management in the
hospitality industry, with a wonderful wife and son and another
child on the way, the financial crisis turned your life upside down.
Richard: First it took me a while to adjust to a new role. Turning 54
when I no longer had a steady job and my wife became the primary
source of income, my role became the primary care person for our
children. This dramatically changed again when we moved to Mexico
and I was very dependent due to the lack of language knowledge.
Caryn: What did you do to overcome this?
Richard: One thing I did to “overcome” these new circumstances
was to take Spanish classes. It was the first time in a long time I
was learning something totally new to me rather than sharing and
teaching what I knew to others. My new golf buddies were 15-20
years older than me. Each one had a successful career and went on
to own diverse businesses. But each one was already passing the
baton on to their children. What that did was give me an example or
glimpse of my future 15-20 years down the road. And I was able to
see that they still were viable, engaged and alert to the goings on in
the locale and the world. So, there was hope for me to do the same.
I’ll know in 10-20 years if it was helpful. It gave me validation that I
was on the right path and focused on what is important in the long
run and what I have to look forward to as I hopefully live through my
seventies and eighties!
Caryn: How are you doing now in the time of quarantine?
Richard: Wherever you are or whatever activity you’re doing, relax
and realize you’ve worked a lifetime and deserve some time to just
enjoy what you’re doing. As I got older, I looked to hang out and
keep up with the younger people in my life. I am less resentful of
my wife being the primary earner, enjoying the time I am with my
kids, that I missed with my older kids as I traveled while working to
get ahead, and of living in a foreign country where language is still
sometimes a barrier to express myself exactly as I want to. But I
count my blessings as each day comes. I’m a very lucky guy.
Caryn Isaacs, BCPA
30 Wall St. 8th Floor
New York, NY 10005
Certified by the
Isaacs, BCPA
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