President’s Message
The holiday season was recently
celebrated by most families
who reside in North Shore
Towers. The Christmas and Chanukah
holidays created a warm feeling
throughout the month of December.
The lighting at the entrance to the
Towers and the decorations in each
building contributed to the warm
community feeling. Individual stores,
the VIP Room, Buffy’s and the Gym
area added to the positive mood.
The Open Finance Meeting
hosted by Fred Chernow gave
our residents an opportunity to
question the proposed budget and
to make other suggestions for the
Board’s consideration. Several
Board and committee meetings
have been scheduled to analyze
and respond to those suggestions.
The community members who
attended the meeting responded
very positively to the fact that
all Board members are entitled
to see any contract they have an
interest in reviewing. As a result,
some meetings have already been
planned to discuss several different
contracts. This procedure allows
the Board to reexamine issues that
were outdated and perhaps even
unworthy of continuing in the
present era.
This is a Board that responds
to the needs of our residents, and
our meetings are often filled with
passionate discussions rather than
universal agreements.
Best wishes to all North Shore
Towers residents and staff for a
happy and healthy New Year.
Bob Ricken
Dr. Stanley Goldsmith
Receives Honorary Doctorate
The University of Novi Sad is
one of the largest research
centers in Central Europe.
Its medical school offers classes
in English as well as Serbian. The
campus is on the banks of the
Danube River. The city of Novi Sad
(nicknamed, “Serbia’s Athens”) is
second in size only to the capital,
Belgrade. It earned its nickname because
of its many cultural features,
art museums, and musical events.
Dr. Stanley Goldsmith, member
of the Board of Directors at NST,
was recently honored for his long
relationship with the Novi Sad
Medical School. He was given an
honorary doctorate in appreciation
of his significant contribution to the
development of nuclear medicine
in Serbia over several years.
Dr. Goldsmith accepts his diploma
The Rector of the school and
his committee recognized Dr.
Goldmith’s training of their medical
faculty; his many publications
that have enhanced the reputation
of Novi Sad; his service as visiting
professor; and his contributions in
the fields of oncology, radioiodine
treatment of thyroid cancer and
radioimmunotherapy of lymphoma.
This is Stanley Goldsmith’s third
doctorate. His keen intellect and
compassionate nature in the field
of medicine is also apparent to us
at NST in his work on the Board
of Directors.
Dr. Goldsmith (center) with U. of Novi Sad Rector and committee
Migdal Chapter of Hadassah at NST Receives Nassau Region’s Highest Recognition
It takes a great deal of snowflakes
to make a blizzard. It
also takes many Hadassah
Life Members, who continue
to foster the true meaning of
Zionism though their dedicated
advocacy and monetary support
of Hadassah’s mission, to make
a chapter. In this regard, The
Migdal Chapter members can be
very proud to be a member of our
North Shore Towers Chapter.
On November 4, 2019, the
Nassau Hadassah at their regional
conference presented Eva
Kessner, Co-President of
Migdal, with an Overall
Excellence Award in recognition
of the Chapter’s
dedicated work. The
Award is highly prized
because there are many
other Chapters with larger
and younger memberships
who compete for the honor.
The award highlighted
Migdal for its Educational
Programs, Creativity and
Dedication to its members
and its fund raising efforts
for Health Research.
The Chapter was
also praised for its
support of Young
Judaea, Dedication to
Promoting Advocacy,
Leadership and Open
with reference to
Hadassah’s Goals
and Achievements.
Those Migdal
Executive Board
members who were
available to attend
watched with pride
when Migdal was singled out to be
the recipient of the Emerald and
Pearl Awards. In attendance were
Eva Kessner, Arlene Augenbraun,
Kit Benton, Gloria Beck, Roz
Chumsky, Lilly Cohen, Phyllis
Gottlieb, Judy Paris, Bern Rosenthal
and Zona Schreiber. They were
“kvelling” all the way home.
Know that every time you attended
a fundraiser event, a membership
meeting, the Yiddish or Book Club,
you help make Migdal the strong
viable chapter that received its
rightful Hadassah Nassau Region’s
Eva Kessner,
Co-President of Migdal