as local nonprofits educating our
residents on the benefits of renewable
energy and living sustainably. Success
was contingent on all taking on the cause.
While climate change still looms on the
horizon, another peril has taken root of
our lives, our economy, and our future.
I would argue that again we need a combination
“Big problems require bold solutions.”
of federal and state leadership
and assistance, combined with a local
approach from a policy standpoint.
While some federal support arrived
through programs like the Paycheck
Protection Program and program-based
assistance trickled down to municipalities
from the CARES Act, local
governments are facing a budget crisis
of unprecedented proportions and
need direct assistance. Small business
continues to struggle and the effect on
the downtown landscape has been catastrophic.
However, communities have
been coming together in an incredible
Business improvement districts and
chambers of commerce have ramped up
efforts to incentivize shopping at local
businesses. Local governments have
streamlined approvals to providing
innovative solutions for outdoor and
tented dining and entertainment. Nonprofits
have worked to provide meals and
other necessities to those most in need,
with those numbers growing by the day.
Still, it is not enough.
Big problems require bold solutions,
as was seen with the Great Depression
and Great Recession of 2008. We need a
federal stimulus package that will take
on the infrastructure crisis facing our
country, in turn stimulating the economy
by putting people back to work and
retaining and attracting residents and
businesses to our region.
In addition, industrial development
agencies (IDAs) are not the enemy. IDAs
provide municipalities with the tools
to transform vacant and underutilized
properties producing little to no taxes into
projects that work to retain and attract
residents, businesses and jobs, while also
providing reliable revenue streams for
the affected tax jurisdictions.
At a time where blue-collar jobs with immediate
availability are at a premium,
construction puts people back to work,
and locally. This cannot and should not
be dismissed.
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TTY/TDD 800-662-1220
Glen Cove Industrial Development Agency
and Community Development Agency
executive director
Around 15 years ago as a research assistant
working on climate change policy,
I had proposed both a top-down and
bottom-up approach to the imminent
danger of sea level rise.
The Kyoto Protocol seemed as important
They count on you...
So count on us
to keep you going.
AgeWell New York, LLC is a HMO plan with a Medicare and Medicaid contract. Enrollment in AgeWell New York, LLC depends on contract renewal.
ATTENTION: If you do not speak English, language assistance services, free of charge, are available to you. Call 1-866-237-3210 (TTY/TDD:
1-800-662-1220). Hours are 7 days a week from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. Note: From April 1 to September 30, we may use alternate technologies on
Weekends and Federal holidays. Assistance services for other languages are also available free of charge at the number above. AgeWell New York
complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of races, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. AgeWell
New York cumple con las leyes federales de derechos civiles aplicables y no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, nacionalidad, edad, discapacidad
o sexo. AgeWell New York 遵守適用的聯邦民 權法律規定,不因種族、膚色、民族血統、年齡、殘障或性別而歧視任何人。 A sales person
will be present with information and applications. For accommodation of persons with special needs at sales meetings call 1-866-237-3210 and
TTY/TDD 800-662-1220. DOH Accepted 08202020