1 Badminton Badminton Rackets, 1
Shuttlecock, Net
Ideally More Than 2 (An
Equal Amount per Team)
Each team is placed on one side of the net, holding a racket, rallying
the shuttlecock over the net until the opponent breaks the rally.
2 Cornhole 1 or 2 Cornhole Boards,
Preferably 8 Bean Bags Ideally More Than 1 Place each board 27 feet apart from players facing each other when
there are multiple people. Toss bean bags at board to score points.
3 Croquet
1 or More Croquet Mallets,
Ideally 4 Croquet Balls (Different
Colors), 6-9 Wickets
Around 2-6
Place wickets in a figure eight pattern (one in center). The first
person to knock their ball through all wickets, following a
particular pathway, wins.
4 Dodgeball 5+ Foam or Rubber Dodgeballs Ideally More Than 2 (An
Equal Amount per Team)
Divide the playing field into two sides throw dodgeball at the
opposing team. Players are “out” when struck by a dodgeball or
opposing team catches their thrown ball. Last team standing wins.
5 Egg-and-Spoon Race
Multiple Eggs (Real or Plastic),
Large Tablespoons
6. 4+ Horseshoes, 1 or 2 Stakes
2+ (An Equal Amount per
The winner is the first person/team to cross the finish line with the
egg securely placed, without support, on the spoon. A dropped egg
can be picked up or result in a restart or disqualification.
6 Horseshoes 1 Small Ball/Football/Frisbee Ideally More Than 1 Place each stake 40 feet apart from players facing each other when
there are multiple people. Toss horseshoe at stake to score points.
7 Jackpot
A Ladderlike Structure with
3 Rungs, Ideally 6 Bolas (3 of 2
Thrower is placed by oneself while the receivers are next to each
other. The thrower shouts out a particular number and whoever
catches it earns said amount of points; deducted if the ball is
8 Ladder Toss 1 Flying Disk, 2 KanJam Cans Around 1-4 (An Equal
Amount per Team)
Set ladders 15 feet apart from players facing each other with multiple
people. Points are earned if bola attaches to rungs. Play up to an
absolute number, such as 21 points, for added enjoyment.
9 KanJam
A Courtlike Surface, 1 Pickleball
Wiffle Ball, Multiple Pickleball
Paddles, Net
Set cans 50 feet apart from each other with one teammate on each
side. Both players, the thrower and deflector, must work together in
order to score points. Instant win if the disk lands inside of the can,
through the front hole or up top, unassisted.
10 Pickleball
1 Spike Ball, 1 Spikeball
Net Mini-Trampoline-Like
2 or 4
Each side rallies the pickle ball over the net until a point or “fault” is
given. Score when the opposite team hits the ball out of bounds, off
the net, or to the wrong opponent.
11 Spikeball 1 Stationary Pole, 1 Volleyball/
Rubber Ball, Rope/Tether
Around 4 (An Equal
Amount per Team)
Each team, starting on each side of the net, is given three hits with
their hands before needing to spike the ball onto the net. Points are
scored by ways including getting the opposing team to hit the ball
onto the ground or use more than three hits.
12 Tetherball 1 Stationary Pole, 1 Volleyball/
Rubber Ball, Rope/Tether 2
Each person must hit the roped ball in a particular direction while
dealing with the opponent reflecting it the opposite way. A point
is earned when the ball is tangled as far as it can go. No catching or
throwing is allowed.
13 Wiffle Ball 1 Wiffle Ball Bat, 1 Wiffle Ball 2+ but Ideally 6-18 (An Equal
Amount per Team)
Each team will attempt to hit a pitched wiffle ball with the bat and
step on four “bases” before receiving three outs where they must
switch sides. The team to have the most runners touch “home plate”
wins. Outs include opponents catching the ball, and hitter failing to
put the ball in play after three swings.
14 Ultimate Frisbee 1 Frisbee 4+ (An Equal Amount per
Each team attempts to throw a frisbee to teammates until it is caught
in the opposing end zone. Thrower is limited to three steps.
15 Volleyball 1 Volleyball/9-10 Ounce Leather
Ball, Net
Ideally More Than 2 (An
Equal Amount per Team)
The ball is rallied over the net until the opponent breaks the rally.
Points are earned when the ball hits the opponent’s ground, the
other team hitting the ball out of bounds, or the other team hits the
ball into the net.
-Compiled by David Bieber