www.qns.com I LIC COURIER I NOVEMBER 2017 27
Puerto Rican man in his 80s who was
traveling to St. Louis for medical care.
His right leg was badly damaged
in the hurricane and while the doctors
on the island provided him with urgent
care, they told the man that they could
not provide him with the follow up treat-ment
that was needed. So he and his
wife made the decision to pack their
bags and visit family in St. Louis to seek
medical attention.
“It takes a lot to get emotion out of
me and there were moments where I
almost broke down a bit,” he said.
Though he saw a lot of devastation,
Bucella said the spirit of the Puerto
Rican people was inspiring.
When visiting Usuado, he came
across an elderly woman sitting outside
of her house. The extreme heat and lack
of power forced people to spend much
of their time outside of their homes,
Bucella said.
When he gave her batteries, flash-lights
and soap “her eyes lit up.” When
he asked if she wanted more supplies
she responded, ‘I know my neighbors
need this, too. I’m only going to take
what I need right now.’”
I went initially with the thought
of helping and being excited to do it
and left angry. There are a lot
of folks that have not seen
any support whatsoever.
Photos by Michael Bucella