

Keeping It Real I am not going to get into one of my long Mother’s Day articles or speak of another never-ending story. What I would like to bring up is the importance of fruits and vegetables and the idea of nutrition. As many of you know, I have not been well because I have not been taking care of myself. However, with the help of loved ones, colleagues, and the community, I was able to make the turn around I hope to see in others. I challenged myself to go for the bowl of fruit instead of the chocolate chip cookie. Working out or going to a yoga class can’t be the only thing you do to keep fit. Being healthy includes the food you eat and basically whatever goes into your body. Spring is here, which means local vegetables and fruits are starting to come about. This is a great time to start incorporating them into your daily diet. People hear the word “diet” and fear not being able to enjoy sweets. However, a diet is not meant to just lose weight. A consistent diet filled with nutrition helps make every day easier. Sometimes it’s not just our genetics that create our body types. I also think a lot of it has to do with us making a change in lifestyle. I mean after all, I could make gelato and not stick the whole spoon in my mouth every time. I am sure any of you can just incorporate fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. The reason why I say this is because I see what people eat. It’s crazy that no one ever asks for a bowl of fruit or a side of vegetables with their dinner. I have really moved into putting a lot more fruits and vegetables into our menu so you have the option. I mean, I’ve gone out to eat so many times and I’m amazed that I can’t just get regular sautéed broccoli with garlic and olive oil. A great suggestion that I’ve learned from my travels is to ask the chef what they recommend and ask what’s fresh. It’s funny because when people ask me that question, my response is always “everything.” There are some great fish that are at the market now that are good for you too. My favorite of all time is Branzino. Monkfish, too, as ugly as it is, I absolutely love. Oh and by the way, all the farmers’ markets are starting to bring in some incredible vegetables. I went Saturday morning to the one in Williamsburg and loaded up with cases of them! So for this coming summer, be sure to keep a look out for foods that improve your health. Eating healthy doesn’t just make you look good; it makes you feel great too! Peace, Monkfish and Over Indulgence in Fruits and Veggies! – Mamma Gianna gianna 40 MAY 2013 I LIC COURIER I www.queenscourier.com

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