A new developing Long
Island City program is
offering children an op-portunity
to grow intel-lectually
and academically, while still
having fun.
Snapology is a business franchise
designed to offer children with excep-tional
S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology,
Engineering, Art and Math), Robotic
and VideoGame design activities.
Provided are year-round programs
in schools, community facilities,
homes and their Discovery Centers
that are located in select areas. As
a mobile business, they partner with
these institutions and locations as
they bring their own teachers, materi-als
and curriculum.
“Anywhere there is structured play,
we can bring our programs in to supple-ment
the education,” Jessica Stasi,
owner of Snapology’s LIC and Man-hattan
location. For homes, to offer
home-school classes, birthday parties,
play dates, scouting activities. etc.”
Their purpose is designed based
on proven research that children learn
best from actively designing, creating,
interacting and inventing. A wide va-riety
of activities are offered in order
to “reinforce core competencies and
curricula” at each grade level.
Snapology obtains a flexible cur-riculum
that allows for teachers to
adapt to the needs of all students as
the curriculum is designed to benefit
those who may also be gifted, tradi-tional
or with special needs including
sensory and autism spectrum.
Snapology offers after-school enrich-ment
programs, scouting events, summer
camps, play-dates, in-school programs,
field trips, PTA support, anti-bullying
programs, leadership programs, cus-tom
events and corporate team building.
With summer on the way, children
can enroll in their summer camp that
offers many opportunities for them to
strengthen their abilities before returning
to school and engage in many fun activi-ties
that they don’t realize is academic.
Courtesy of Snapology of Long Island City
Into Learning