

28orestes' lic Editor’s note: Orestes Gonzalez is an architect, photographer, writer and resident of LIC since 1989. He has been taking photographs for over 25 years, traveling to over 40 countries and documenting what has become the overriding theme in his photography -- man’s intrinsic need for leaving a mark and the different paths to achieving it. His column, “Orestes’ LIC”, will concentrate on showing snippets of life around the areas we live in. A local record keeper, if you will. Take a look at Orestes’ Haunting video of Black & White photographs taken the night after hurricane Sandy ripped through Manhattan Vimeo.com/78436106 MARCH 2014 I LIC COURIER I www.queenscourier.com EMPTY BUILDING ONVERNON 2013 “While walking down Vernon Boulevard, I noticed the deep faded greens on the walls of this empty warehouse building. The snow on the ground and the black fi gure made a nice contrast. Now I hear they sold this building for a huge amount of money and it will be turned into a residential building. The landscape of LIC continues to change and evolve over time.”

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