

4 C R Y D E R P O I N T JULY Message from the Board President A Tribute I am pleased to report that we had a quorum at our Annual Shareholders’ Meeting on June 23 and were able to hold the election for the Board of Directors, the fi rst since 2013. Many of you have heard that it was touch-and-go for a few minutes when it appeared that we were less than 500 shares short of a quorum (drama!). It would have been a shame to be so close and yet so far, but fortunately there were a couple of folks who arrived a few minutes late—but not too late for their shares to be counted—and we achieved a total of 52.7%. On behalf of the Board, thanks again to all who attended the meeting or submitted their proxies. After number crunching and Board review, we have decided not to sign up with FiOS’ bulk proposal. The problem was that FiOS based their offer on 100% of residents having FiOS, even though less than 70% of our residents are subscribers to that service. This was a condition that was in their original proposal and of course we objected, but they did not inform us until fi nal negotiations that this was a non-negotiable item! If we had accepted the proposal, CPOC would be responsible for paying the difference between 100% coverage and whatever actual number of Cryder Point FiOS subscribers there are, and we determined that the fi nancial risk and obligation to the cooperative was too great. I know that many of our FiOS subscribers will be disappointed that this agreement didn’t work out (myself included), but it was the responsible decision to make for the community as a whole. The focus of work on the sea wall is now on the promenade adjacent to the dock entry. See an update and some new photos in this issue. The end target remains July. Any signifi cant changes to this timeline will be announced. Once again, thanks to everyone for your patience. Finally, as everyone knows by now, Tony Budney, Sr. is retiring this month. I hope you enjoy reading the interview with him and get a kick out of some of the photos that go along with it. Enjoy the rest of summer! Jill Davis CRYDER POINT • T h e O f f i c i a l N e w s p a p e r o f C r y d e r P o i n t • “We’re All About You” Al Robbins To As many of you know, long-time Cryder Point resident Al Robbins passed away last month at the age of 93. He was a real presence in the community and well-liked by all. Esther Cohen, also a long-time resident of Cryder Point, wanted to share her thoughts and reminiscences about her dear friend, which is presented below. Thank you, Esther, for this lovely tribute to a great guy. Al Robbins, we will miss you, miss you, miss you. How could we not??? He was loved by all!!! Talking to people, telling a short story or a joke was his greatest pleasure—“people” were his thing! He played a super game of bridge with Herb Friedman for almost 30 years and believe it or not, not a cross word was had between them, no matter what may have transpired in the game. Friends forever, with Al it was always enjoyable. Al Robbins was an engineer, exceedingly bright. He also had a terrifi c Boggle game going with Herb, Doris Shankman and Laurette Newman; he beat them all the time and always came out a winner, creating the most words. Doris said that Al was witty and clever and possessed the largest vocabulary of anyone she ever knew. “It was a challenge playing with Al,” she said. He was also soft, sweet and unassuming, making the game most enjoyable! At his funeral, I was talking with one of Al’s Temple friends, Bernice Derman. I was expressing my thoughts about Al’s outstanding character, his kindness and his thoughtfulness towards his fellow man, when she interrupted and said, “Esther, you mean only one word: “Integrity.” And that was Al Robbins. We will miss him, miss him, miss him. Esther Cohen IMPORTANTcontacts Cryder Point Courier, 38-15 Bell Blvd. Bayside, NY 11361 718-224-5863 • Fax 718-224-5441 Sales Fax: 718-631-3498 e-mail: editorial@ .com PUBLISHER & EDITOR Victoria Schneps-Yunis ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER Joshua A. Schneps EDITOR IN CHIEF Jill Davis ART DIRECTOR Ron Torina ARTISTS Nirmal Singh, Stephen Reina Entire Contents Copyright 2015 by the Cryder Point Courier. All letters sent to CRYDER POINT COURIER should be brief and are subject to condensing. Writers should include a full address and home and office telephone numbers, where available, as well as affiliation, indicating special interest. Anonymous letters are not printed. Only letters with a name given will be accepted. No such ad or any part thereof October be reproduced without prior permission of CRYDER POINT COURIER. The publishers will not be responsible for any error in advertising beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error. Errors must be reported to CRYDER POINT COURIER within five days of publication. Ad position cannot be guaranteed unless paid prior to publication. CRYDER POINT COURIER assumes no liability for the content or reply to any ads. The advertiser assumes all liability for the content of and all replies. The advertiser agrees to hold CRYDER POINT COURIER and its employees harmless from all cost, expenses, liabilities, and damages resulting from or caused by the publication or recording placed by the advertiser or any reply to any such advertisement. 4 CRYDER POINT COURIER | JULY 2016 | WWW.QNS.COM Management Offi ce: 718-767-5003 Management Offi ce Fax: 718-767-1549 Lobby/Doorman: 718-767-5336 Board of Directors e-mail: [email protected]

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